Dear colleagues,
A new issue of Catalan Journal of Communication
& Cultural Studies (volume 2, issue 2, November
2010) is now available online. This is a special
issue entitled 'The Communicative Turn on Risk
Communication: Theory and Practice' and has been
guest-edited by Tom Horlick-Jones (Cardiff
University) and Jordi Farré (Universitat Rovira i Virgili).
All content is available at:
The issue includes the articles described below.
The first special issue
Enric Castelló (Universitat Rovira i Virgili)
On the communicative constitution of risk objects in mediated times
Tom Horlick-Jones (Cardiff University) and Jordi
Farré (Universitat Rovira i Virgili)
Risk communication and the discourse of fear
David Altheide (Arizona State University)
Shifting anxieties, altered media: Risk communication in networked times
Graham Murdock (Loughborough University)
The contribution of different types of knowledge
towards understanding, sharing and communication risk concepts
Ortwin Renn (Stuttgart University)
A new ?epistemic community? in nuclear waste
governance? Theoretical reflections and
empirical observations on some fundamental challenges
Michael Stauffacher and Corinne Moser (Swiss
Federal Institute of Technology Zurich (ETH))
Risk information and minority identity in the
neighbourhood of industrial facilities
Marc Poumadère (Institut Symlog) and Raquel
Bertoldo (Instituto Universitário de Lisboa)
Communicating at the edge: Risk communication
processes and structural conflicts in highly industrialized petrochemical areas
Josep Espluga (Universitat Autònoma de
Barcelona), Ana Prades (CIEMAT) and Jan Gonzalo (Universitat Rovira i Virgili)
News media and the (de)construction of risk: How
Flemish newspapers select and cover international disasters
Stijn Joye (Ghent University)
Risk communication, phenomenology, and the limits of representation
William J. Kinsella (North Carolina State University)
The many roads to risk communication in Spain
Marta I. González García (CCHS-CSIC)
For more information about the Catalan Journal
of Communication & Cultural Studies: