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[Commlist] CfP Digital Authoritarianism section at the ECPR General Conference
Wed Dec 18 18:16:09 GMT 2024
We invite paper and panel proposals for the Digital Authoritarianism
section at the ECPR General Conference which will take place on 26-29
August 2025 in the Aristotle University of Thessaloniki:
In recent years, we have witnessed the proliferation of two global
"mega" trends: the world is becoming more digitized and more
authoritarian. Many democracies worldwide suffer a gradual but
substantial deterioration, and several non-democratic regimes manifest
harsher forms of authoritarianism. Digital authoritarianism encompasses
a range of digitally assisted practices and the underlying
infrastructures that enable these practices. It is facilitated by the
increasing reliance on digital technologies, the consequent generation
of unprecedented amounts of data, and the unparalleled capacity to
exploit this data. The study of digital authoritarianism includes
purposeful authoritarian practices of covert surveillance methods,
widespread censorship, online and digitally-assisted offline repression,
disinformation campaigns, and the manipulation of voting behavior. It
also includes investigating harmful by-products of digitization and
economic incentives that drive technological innovation (i.a: Zuboff 2019).
This section investigates the different authoritarian ramifications of
digitization and digital technologies. Our planned panels cover many
themes that foster a better understanding of this phenomenon, and we are
happy to include externally proposed panels that widen the scope of this
"Digital Authoritarianism and Generative AI" Chair: Hossein Kermani,
(hossein.kermani /at/ univie.ac.at) <mailto:(hossein.kermani /at/ univie.ac.at)>
"Big Data Transformations: Does Regime Type Matter?" Chair: Ahmed Maati,
(ahmed.maati /at/ tum.de) <mailto:(ahmed.maati /at/ tum.de)>
"Crisis of Social Reproduction and Gendered Perspectives on Digital
Authoritarianism" Chair: Ülker Sözen, (ulk.sozen /at/ gmail.com)
<mailto:(ulk.sozen /at/ gmail.com)>
"Comparative Approaches to Digital Authoritarianism" Chair: Gregory
Asmolov, (gregory.asmolov /at/ kcl.ac.uk) <mailto:(gregory.asmolov /at/ kcl.ac.uk)>
Deadline for submissions is January 6 (Midnight UK time). Please see the
guidelines for paper & panel
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