Archive for calls, 2024

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[Commlist] Twelfth International Digital Storytelling Conference cfp

Fri Dec 13 12:53:04 GMT 2024

The twelfth International Digital Storytelling conference will be held in Belem, Brazil from 6th-8th November 2025. Our host organisation will be the Museu da Pessoa and the conference is led by a partnership coordinated by StoryCenter that includes DigiTales. The primary focus is the climate crisis and we're working under under the broad theme "Lives, Voices and Knowledge in a World on Fire", though there is also a wider opportunity to consider the form and practice of Digital Storytelling and participatory media in our changing world. It is an opportunity to consider how storytelling can drive meaningful dialogue and action around the intersecting crises that shape all our lives. This conference precedes COP 30 which takes place in the same city later in November. There is also a chance to participate online and this time we've moved the online version forward to 31st October and 1st November so that discussions can be used to inform and shape the subsequent conversation. This is the first time the conference will have been held in the Global South or Latin America.

The call for contributions has just been published and can be accessed here.

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