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[Commlist] Call for Contributions for Special Section "Norms, Power Relations and Injustices in Digitality: Global Perspectives" for Global Media Journal - German Edition

Tue Jul 30 16:35:37 GMT 2024


**Call for Contributions for a Special Section – Autumn/Winter 2025**

“Norms, Power Relations and Injustices in Digitality: Global Perspectives”

Guest Editors:

Christoph Böhm (Stuttgart Media University)

Oliver Zöllner (Stuttgart Media University & Heinrich Heine University Düsseldorf)

The internet and its applications are known to be full of undesirable, often inhumane content. For a number of years now, digital companies have been under regulatory obligation to delete certain content from their platforms that is deemed problematic (“content moderation”). This practice itself is in part problematic, as the normative basis for what is considered desirable or acceptable, and what is considered undesirable or unacceptable, is highly contextual and culturally dependent. Legal regulations can vary from country to country, often leading to accusations of illegitimate censorship. Furthermore, for economic reasons, the equally controversial design of deletion practices is often outsourced to relatively marginalized countries with lower wage levels. This results in ethically questionable and precarious working conditions, in which people have to carry out psychologically stressful work. This includes, for example, having to view, evaluate and, if necessary, delete depictions of violence, child pornography, hate speech and propaganda.

In a special section of the Global Media Journal – German Edition, we invite interested authors to submit contributions on this topic. Submissions may be written from the perspective of media and communication studies, sociology, cultural studies, and/or ethics and philosophy. Contributions with an interdisciplinary orientation are especially welcome in order to further initiate a dialogue between the disciplines and to enrich the discourse on power relations, the setting and enforcement of norms and questions of justice and injustice in digitality.

Research topics and questions for this special issue include, but are not limited to:

• How are “content moderation” and its deletion practices organized? What is deleted, how and why? Who sets the standards and criteria? How transparent are they? How do these standards affect content, timelines, feeds, etc.?

• How does the increasing use of artificial intelligence (AI) affect these processes? What training data is used as the basis for deletions?

• What are the consequences of “content moderation” at the micro level (e.g., for the people entrusted with the task), the meso level (e.g., for the platforms/companies) and at the macro level (for society)? What problems arise from these consequences at the different levels?

• What image of humanity, or human nature, is behind “content moderation” or results from it?

• What injustices can be identified in the face of deletion practices? How do they relate to concepts of justice?

• What starting points emerge from these topics for the further development of theories of globally oriented media ethics, digital ethics and AI ethics?

Submissions are welcome in English or German.

**Submission Guidelines**

-             Diamond Open Access, no APCs



• Submission of abstracts: 1st December 2024

• Response to authors: 15th January 2025

• Deadline for full papers: 30th May 2025

• Publication: January 2026

Abstract: We invite you to send in an abstract of max. 300 words (PDF), in English or in German.

Formats for contributions: Academic articles (peer-reviewed); essays; media practice & research reports; graduate section; interviews

**Submission & Style Guide**

Please submit via the website:

Manuscript design:

If you have any questions about content-related aspects, please contact the guest editors Christoph Böhm ((christoph.boehm /at/ and Oliver Zöllner ((zoellner /at/; for editorial queries, please contact GMJ-DE editor Katharina Nötzold ((gmj /at/

**Aims and Scope**

The GLOBAL MEDIA JOURNAL – GERMAN EDITION (ISSN 2196-4807) is a diamond open access, peer-reviewed journal for the publication of scholarly contributions dealing with issues of international, transnational, intercultural and transcultural communication and media, published in English and German twice a year. No article processing charges (APCs) are incurred. The journal is indexed in DOAJ, ERIH PLUS, EBSCO, EuroPub, BASE and Ulrich`s. Submissions are accepted on a rolling basis. This means that your articles can be submitted any time for our various sections (peer-review, essays, from the field, graduate section, book reviews). We are also open to discuss guest-edited issues.

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