Archive for calls, 2024

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[Commlist] Synthetic Vision/Images of Power: Truth, Evidence, Labour & Knowledge in the Age of AI conference

Wed Jun 12 14:33:13 GMT 2024

        27 Jun –
        28 Jun 2024

Framer Framed, Amsterdam

    Synthetic Vision/Images of Power: Truth, Evidence, Labour &
    Knowledge in the Age of AI

          On 27 and 28 June 2024 Framer Framed invites you to the
          two-day symposiumSynthetic Vision/Images of Power. The
          programme features talks and discussions that explore the
          transformations induced by Artificial Intelligence (AI) within
          the interplay of power, knowledge and images. The symposium
          includes talks by a number of artists participating in the
          Framer Framed exhibition,Really? Art and Knowledge in Time of

          Synthetic Vision/Images of Powerfocuses on the unprecedented
          possibilities of AI in generating ‘synthetic vision’ (the
          ability to “see” algorithmically) and ‘synthetic image
          generation’ (the ability to create new images through
          prompts). These transformations affect three key dimensions of
          the image.

The first dimension, ‘image-truth’, explores the truth-value of images within contexts such as authentication or facial, emotion and crowd recognition. But it also concerns the generation of synthetic images to mimic reality in large datasets necessary to train other algorithms. The second exploration is focused on ‘image-evidence’, specifically addressing the capacity to recognise or generate images for evidentiary purposes. This dimension holds relevance in the realms of journalism, with considerations surrounding information, propaganda and the identification of fake news. It’s also of importance within the legal sphere, encompassing both the utilisation of images as judicial evidence and their role in event reconstruction. The third dimension lies in the figure of ‘image-labour’, such as computer vision as a result of visible and often invisible labour on the image by programmers, annotators and operators.

Synthetic Vision/Images of Powerbrings together scholars working with artistic or multimodal methods and artists whose work is approached from a research perspective. This interdisciplinary approach aims to explore how multiple regimes of knowledge production (conceptual, visual, procedural/code based) can complement a critical exploration of the issues at stake.

Sign up below to let us know you’re attending!



DAY 1: Thursday 27 June 2024

Sign uphere <>to attend Day 1.

15:00 | Introduction (Francesco Ragazzi)
15:30 | Opening Talk:Terror Element(Anna Engelhardt <>&Mark Cinkevich <>)

16:00 – 18:30 |Mapping Synthetic Vision
16:00 |Mapping as a critical method for Security Vision(Francesco Ragazzi)
16:20 |Documenting and Visualizing Unknowns and Uncertains in Security Vision(Francesco Luzzana, Erica Gargaglione) 16:40 |Synthetic Battlefield in the Time of Dynamic Maps(Svitlana Matviyenko)
17:00 |Cutting through algorithmic violence(Rocco Bellanova)
17:20 | Discussion (chair: Donatella Della Ratta)

DAY 2 : Friday 28 June 2024

Sign uphere <>to attend Day 2.

9:30 – 12:00 | Synthetic Images in Conflict
09:30 |Tracklets: the synthetic present of movement tracking(Ruben van de Ven) 09:50 |From AI to paper: de-materializing and re-materializing evidence(Kevin B. Lee) 10:10 |Synthetic Realism: Exploring the Aesthetics and Politics of Generative AI in a time of widespread violence(Donatella Della Ratta) 10:30 |AI in Gaza: Image-evidence, digital suspicion, colonial history(Adi Kuntsman and Rebecca Stein)
10:50 | Discussion (chair: Francesco Ragazzi)


13:00 – 15:30 | Strategies of Resistance
13:00 |AI to Subvert and Expose Evidence(Paolo Cirio <>) 13:20 |Synthetic Vision for Subversion(Jonathan Luke Austin & Maevia Griffiths)
13:40 |Image-Life(Shintaro Miyazaki)
14:00 |Mobile Lies: A Kinopolitics of Emotion Datasets(Cyan Bae)
14:20 | Discussion (chair: Rocco Bellanova)

16:00 – 18:30 | Strategies of Resistance II
16:00 |A Tale of Two Data Centers(Marloes de Valk)
16:20 |Permacomputing in the arts(Aymeric Mansoux)
16:40 |Algorithmic accountability(Evaline Schot)
17:00 | Title TBC (Bits of Freedom)
17:20 | Discussion (chair: Rebecca Stein)
18:30 – 18:45 | Concluding remarks (Donatella Della Ratta)

This event is in English and free of charge.

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