Archive for calls, 2024

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[Commlist] CFP Symposium: Sinophone women’s cinema and women filmmakers

Tue Apr 09 12:43:39 GMT 2024

*CFP **Symposium: Sinophone women’s cinema and women filmmakers: trans-national, trans-generational, and transgressive practices*

Dates: 12-13 June  @ BLOC, Queen Mary University of London

This symposium calls for a collective investigation into women’s cinema, women filmmakers and localised forms of feminist practices in the Sinosphere, historically and in contemporary times.

At a time when non-western and decolonial feminist interventions continuously demand critical evaluation; when pervasive neo-liberal economics and various oppressive structures overwhelmingly impact on how we think of feminism in different cultural, political, racial, ethnic conditions; when Sinophone women’s cinema become increasingly transnational in terms of production, circulation and exhibition; and when Chinese women filmmakers of various generations and in myriad roles demands serious appreciation under the patriarchal structure of the film industries, this symposium invites contributions to historicise, theorise, analyse and contextualise Sinophone women’s cinema and women filmmakers in industrial and artistic realms (producers, directors, artist-filmmakers, scriptwriters, cinematographers, editors, set designers, etc.).

This symposium is a development from the film season ‘Dancing with water: women’s cinema from contemporary China (PRC)’ (London, Feb to April 2024). We hope to build on prominent scholarship that highlights women’s filmic self-empowerment and feminist practices as growing from their specific local conditions (Shohat1994), as well as valuable studies that position women’s cinema as transnational practice (Wang 2011; Marchetti 2023), and as world cinema (White 2015; Mayer 2016; Zhang 2023). Contributors to this symposium are invited to consider the following themes, including but not limited to:

1.Sinophone women’s cinema as transnational practice,

2.Trans-generational communications in women’s cinema and through filmmaking,

3.Women’s (semi)-autobiographic filmmaking and personal cinema,

4.Female artists moving image practice,

5.Localised feminist practices,

6.Queer women’s cinema,

7.Women’s experimental filmmaking

8.Local chick flicks and commercial women’s cinema,

9.Different types of representation of women,

10.Filmmaking as women’s history (and film history) writing,

11.Curating Chinese women’s cinema,

12.Women’s cinema in circulation and exhibition,

13.Audience and spectatorship,

14.Women film stars becoming filmmakers,

15.Women filmmakers negotiating censorship and patriarchal film industries,

16.Gender and film education

*Confirmed Keynote speakers: *

Professor Gina Marchetti, Pratt Institute

Professor Chris Berry, King’s College London

*Submission Guidelines:*

·a 400-word abstract with title

·a 150-word author’s bio, with name, institutional affiliation, and contact information

·please email to Kiki Tianqi Yu( (kiki.yu /at/ <mailto:(kiki.yu /at/> )

*Important Dates:*

·_Abstracts Due: 26 April 2024_

·Confirmation of Acceptance: 10 May 2024

·Conference speakers will be invited to develop their conference paper into an article to be published in an edited collection.

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