Archive for calls, 2024

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[Commlist] CFP Track “Communication, Education and Social Media” (TEEM conference 2024)

Tue Mar 12 10:28:28 GMT 2024

Call for papers: Track “Communication, Education and Social Media” (TEEM conference 2024)

You are invited to submit your paper to the 12th edition of the Technological Ecosystems for Enhancing Multiculturality (TEEM).The conference will be held at the University of Alicante (Alicante, Spain) from October 23 to 25, 2024.

Track 10 focuses on “Communication, Education and Social Media”
( <>)

-Adoption of ICT and Social Media
-Data Analytics of Media
-Educating in gender and LGTB+ equality
-Effects of Communication
-Mass Media and Education
-Narrative Processes
-Risk of Social Media in Education Environments
-Social Media Messages and Education
-Youth and Social Media

Empirical evidence has shown the strong impact that the Internet, digital and social media have caused in Communication and Education ecosystems. But the revolution is far from consummate. In fact, the scenario keeps changing constantly due to the emergence of technological innovations, which makes new challenges arise day by day. This brings new risks that must be, first, understood and then, faced appropriately, but at the same time it makes this field so rich and stimulating for multidisciplinary researchers.

In this context, studies about the use of social media and its effects in education, communication, political, cultural, or social events become significant. This fact is evident in those projects trying to understand the way social networks and digital media work. The entire potential of these phenomena is still unknown, but the need of education to comprehend it, use it properly and exploit all its possibilities is already certain. At the same time, societies are increasingly aware of the importance of social struggles for equality, respect and tolerance in terms of gender and sexuality, and education and media have much to do with them: educating in such values taking into consideration their potential opened by the new media is a relevant topic that needs further exploration.

The issues related with education and diffusion present some of the most challenging and urgent aspects in connection with communication and social media. Learning how to take advantage of these new forms of communication as a way to analyze societies or to educate its members (both children and adults) constitutes one of the opportunities with greatest potential in the new media scenario. Using new communication practices, technologies, platforms, or narratives becomes a very powerful tool to stimulate positive values or behaviors in current societies.

From this approach, this track entitled “Communication, Education and Social Media” focuses on the uses of new media in educational contexts, on initiatives in which these media are seen as tools to observe and change society, and on experiences in which the possibilities and risks of digital and social media that shape the communication paradigm are analyzed.

All accepted papers will be published in the conference proceedings, which will be published in the series Lecture Notes in Educational Technology in Springer indexed in Scopus and Web of Science Book Citation Index.

Submission guidelines
Authors are invited to submit full, original, unpublished research papers that are not being considered for publication in any other forum. Check the paper preparation and submission details at <>

Important Dates
Paper Submission: 15 June 2024
Notification of acceptance: 15 July 2024

Specific questions about the track should be submitted to the chairs of the track:
María José Higueras Ruíz ((mhigueras /at/ <mailto:(mhigueras /at/>)
Santiago Lomas Martínez ((slomas /at/ <mailto:(slomas /at/>)
Isabel Rodríguez de Dios ((isabelrd /at/ <mailto:(isabelrd /at/>).

General questions about submissions should be emailed to (info /at/ <mailto:(info /at/>

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