Archive for calls, 2024

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[Commlist] CFP Representology Live Conference

Wed Mar 06 15:59:21 GMT 2024

*Representology Live Conference*

Representology Live conference invites submissions on all aspects of diversity and the media.The event is hosted by the School of Journalism, Media and Culture (JOMEC) and it takes place at Cardiff University on the 27^th  of June 2024.

Submissions to (representology /at/ <mailto:(representology /at/>

The organisers especially encourage contributions addressing the theme of */Media and Representation: /**/Ideas for Changing the World/*.

This includes, but is not limited to, papers addressing themes such as:

  * Promoting change in media
  * Media futures: tackling organisational biases
  * Youth and the media – creating diverse careers
  * Creating diversity in media leadership
Confirmed keynote speakers include Sir Lenny Henry and Dr David Dunkley Gyimah (co-founder of Representology)

The *conference fee is £50 (£30 for students)*, which includes a buffet lunch and tea/coffee breaks and networking drinks at the end of the conference.

Please do not submit more than one abstract as first author, with no more than two abstracts in total.

The deadline for abstracts (250 words maximum) is *April 12th, 2024*. Abstracts should be submitted online via email

Should you have any questions, please contact us at (representology /at/ <mailto:(representology /at/>


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