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[Commlist] CFP Feminist Theory Special Issue: ‘Engendering Rage: Mediated Narratives and Cultural Politics’

Sat Feb 17 18:26:15 GMT 2024

Call for Papers: FEMINIST THEORY journal
Special Issue: ‘Engendering Rage: Mediated Narratives and Cultural Politics’

Access the full CFP here: <>

Please note that no payment from the authors will be required.

Following the emergence of the #MeToo movement, debates around the expression, representation, and politicization of women’s rage have become more voluble and audible, gaining momentum in diverse academic and cultural contexts. Within this framework, the purpose of this Call For Papers is to reassess and interrogate the increasingly heated discussions about the significance of gendered rage in the contemporary moment.

Indeed, over the past five years we have experienced: unprecedented COVID-19 lockdowns, which, for many women, meant being trapped in precarious domestic situations (and/or a return to traditional gendered divisions of labour within the home); the U.S. Supreme Court’s overturning of Roe v. Wade (thus reversing the constitutional right to an abortion); the strengthening of extreme right and ultra-nationalist politics in conjunction with the exacerbation of misogyny and the violent targeting of trans and gender non-conforming people; and ever more extreme weather events due to the climate emergency in which women have been disproportionately impacted. Simultaneously, we have witnessed the emergence of the so-called ‘bitch era’ on platforms like TikTok, where high profile women are publicly embracing their anger as a way of reclaiming agency and challenging ‘toxic masculinity’. The recent uproar around Jennifer Hermoso’s case across social media is yet another example of the growing ‘publicness’ and intensity of women’s rage.

 It is in this context that Feminist Theory invites papers on ‘Engendering Rage: Mediated Narratives and Cultural Politics’. This CFP is associated with  the project ‘The mediatization of women’s rage: frames of intelligibility and communicative strategies of politicizing transformation’ (PID2020-113054GB-I00), funded by the Spanish Ministry of Science and Innovation. We aim to deepen our understanding of the political and cultural significance and/or effect of women’s rage in the current conjuncture by examining its production, deflection, celebration, co-optation, delegitimization, fetishization, and/or other political and cultural processes involved in its appearance and animating force. We encourage submissions that critically engage with the intersections of gender, race, class, sexuality, and other identity markers in the portrayal, production and reception of gendered and engendering rage. We understand the term “women” to be inclusive and expansive.

The Guest Editors look forward to receiving innovative and thought-provoking contributions that respond, but are not limited to, the following themes:

·        Mediated/Mediating Rage: How women’s rage is represented and portrayed across different media, and the diverse forms of cultural and political work such rage carries out or attempts to carry out.

·        Intersectionality and Rage: Exploration of how race, class, gender identity, geo-political contexts and other intersecting factors influence the narratives, cultural politics and/or political economy of gendered rage.

·        Digital Activism: Investigations into the role of digital media platforms in amplifying and mobilizing women’s rage as a form of resistance and activism (or, alternatively, in diffusing and deflecting the political force of rage).

·        Feminist Critiques and internal debates: Critical examinations of feminist responses to representations of women’s rage, including internal debates, challenges, and alternative narratives.

Important Submission Dates:
-Abstracts (250-300 words): due by April 15th 2024, with decisions by May 15th, 2024. -Article Submission (8000 words, inclusive of references and notes): due by September 15th, 2024.

This Special Issue is slated to be published in April 2025. All submissions will undergo a blind review process. Please submit all abstracts to Catherine Rottenberg ((C.Rottenberg /at/ <mailto:(C.Rottenberg /at/>), Goldsmiths University (UK). For inquiries or more information, please contact either of the guest editors: Catherine Rottenberg ((C.Rottenberg /at/ <mailto:(C.Rottenberg /at/>), Goldsmiths University (UK); María-José Gámez-Fuentes ((gamezf /at/ <mailto:(gamezf /at/>), Universitat Jaume I (Castelló, Spain).

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