Archive for calls, 2024

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[Commlist] HCR Special Issue CFP: Communication and the Self

Wed Jan 24 15:39:24 GMT 2024

Call for Extended Abstracts
Special issue of Human Communication Research:
Communication and the Self <>

Guest Editors
Markus Appel, University of Würzburg
Amanda Holmstrom, Michigan State University

The study of communication as it relates to the self boasts a rich scholarly history. Dating back over a century, this research encompasses a wide range of theories and concepts (e.g., social identity, self-knowledge, self-disclosure, self-presentation) that describe and explain how individuals think, feel, and communicate about themselves. The rise of digital technologies, ranging from social media to virtual reality and artificial intelligence, has introduced new dimensions to the study of communication and the self. At the same time, communication researchers are faced with new challenges as family structures and societies continue to evolve. Given the rich, yet often fragmented nature of the literature, it is a fitting time for a special issue dedicated to work that sheds light on the multifaceted ways in which communication both influences and reflects aspects of the self in online and offline contexts.

For this special issue, authors are invited to submit theoretically-informed proposals that enhance our insight and understanding of the study of communication as it relates to the self. We encourage proposals focusing on a wide range of social, relational, cultural, and organizational contexts from various theoretical traditions. For instance, topics could include (but are not limited to) empirical inquiries or essays on (a) communication and the formation of cultural and social identities; (b) interpersonal interactions that contribute to the development and/or maintenance of the self-concept and/or self-esteem; (c) the role of culture in self-presentation; (d) stories and the self; (e) intersections between the self and social media/online interactions; (f) the role of the self in interactions in virtual realities, with AI, or with robots; and g) self-related questions in applied settings (e.g., organizational communication; health communication). We encourage proposals from a variety of scholarly areas and welcome all methodological approaches. Both empirical research reports and theoretical or conceptual essays are welcome. For the proposal, authors should submit an extended abstract no later than March 1, 2024. Extended abstracts should consist of no more than 1,000 words (not including references). For quantitative and qualitative empirical research papers, the extended abstract should highlight the theoretical rationale and focus of the proposed project as well as the manner in which the findings will contribute to the focus of the special issue. For theoretical or conceptual essays, the extended abstract should clearly state the topic of inquiry and elaborate on the conceptual, theoretical, and applied contribution of the proposed essay. After a review of the extended abstracts, selected authors will be invited to complete a final manuscript. Final manuscripts will undergo peer review. No payment will be required from the authors.

Page limits and other parameters for the complete paper will be allocated at the time of invitation.

In addition to our emphasis on methodological pluralism and a variety of scholarly areas and contexts of inquiry, we also hope for submissions that reflect global experiences. Authors for whom English is not a primary language are welcome to contact the guest editors to learn about programs and services to support research endeavors. For questions, please contact the guest editors, Dr. Markus Appel ((markus.appel /at/ <mailto:(markus.appel /at/>) and Dr. Amanda Holmstrom ((holmstr6 /at/ <mailto:(holmstr6 /at/>). Proposal submissions (i.e., extended abstracts) should be submitted to the guest editors by March 1, 2024, via the following link: <>

The proposed timeline for the publication process is as follows:
3/1/2024: Deadline for abstract submission
4/1/2024: Notification to authors (i.e., in terms of who will be invited to submit full manuscripts) 7/1/2024: Deadline for full manuscript submission (for those authors whose abstract is accepted)
9/15/2024: Deadline for sending reviewer feedback/final decision to authors
11/15/2024: Deadline for revised/final manuscript submission by authors
1/31/2025: Final copy of special issue sent to OUP
4/5/2025: Special issue published online (vol. 51, issue #2)

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