Archive for calls, 2024

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[Commlist] Call for Proposals — Flow34 at the IAMCR 2024 Conference in Christchurch, New Zealand

Wed Jan 10 22:34:17 GMT 2024

Flow34 - Call for Proposals 2024
The International Association for Media and Communication Research (IAMCR) calls for academic audio/visual work to be presented at IAMCR 2024, which will be held in Christchurch, New Zealand, from 30 June to 4 July 2024.
The deadline for submission is 7 February 2024, at 23.59 UTC.

With this call, IAMCR aims to stimulate the use of a broader range of modes for the communication of academic knowledge, complementing conference papers and oral presentations with audio/visual work. In particular, we seek podcasts and videos that integrate academic and aesthetic dimensions, and that use sound and/or image creatively to communicate academic knowledge. This implies that we will not select audio/visual work that merely consists of recorded lectures. The selected works will be presented during the conference in Christchurch from 30 June to 04 July. Flow34 creators are not required to attend the Christchurch conference.

We call for audio/visual work with a maximum duration of 30 minutes, but shorter contributions are also welcomed.
Submission guidelines

Proposals for the presentation of audio/visual work will consist of one abstract, which will have two parts, namely an academic description of the work and a (basic) script of the audio/visual work. The academic description describes the research communicated by the audio/visual work (its research question, theoretical framework, methodology, research design and corpus, …), while the script provides a chronological description of the form of the audio/visual work. The abstract (with its two parts) has a maximum length of 750 words. Abstracts must be submitted online by 07 February 2024.

The Flow34 evaluation team will review the submitted proposals and announce their decisions in March 2024. The audio/visual work itself will then need to be submitted by 7 June 2024.

Abstracts and scripts must be submitted in English. The final work can be in any language, but subtitles in English are appreciated (but not compulsory).

For further information about Flow34, please contact Mazlum Kemal Dagdelen at <(mazlum /at/> (mazlum /at/ iamcr /dot/ org).

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