Archive for calls, 2024

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[Commlist] CFP: 2024 New Media Writing Unconference

Tue Jan 09 14:06:18 GMT 2024

** Call for proposals & participants:

2024 New Media Writing Prize Unconference

14-15 May 2024 – 100% Virtual

See the full call here. ( <>)

You are cordially invited to contribute to our second annual New Media Writing Prize Unconference. This two-day creative and critical participant-directed Unconference is hosted by Bournemouth University ( <>) (UK) in partnership with the Electronic Literature Organization ( <>) and the British Library ( <>). The Unconference will culminate in the awards evening for the New Media Writing Prize on 15 May 2024.

Theme: Inclusivity

Tech and literature have often been realms of exclusivity, in terms of access, literacy, language, quality, culture, economics, and more. How can we open our realm, new media writing and electronic literature, so that it reverses this trend? How do we break down gatekeeping barriers, and actively embrace and encourage all people, approaches, cultures, abilities, and viewpoints?


The Unconference will focus not on standard conference presentations, but on an “unconferencing ( <>) ” approach in which all attendees/participants discuss and agree on the agenda leading up to the event.

We are seeking proposal submissions from people who are interested in leading sessions, events, and/or activities at the unconference. These elements might include (but are not limited to):

* Sharing works and projects in this area

* Panel discussions of good practice and research-informed approaches

* Creative panels and workshops generating new works and new approaches

* Hack-a-thons to code activism bots for social media

* Create-a-thon sessions for dedicated creation of works

* Virtual galleries of digital literature for good

* Virtual activist events

Please note we’ll be limiting single-presenter presentations to 7 minutes or less. This includes artists’ talks.

More details are on our full call for proposals ( <>) .

Submitting a Proposal

Proposal submission deadline: 15 February 2024, Midnight UTC.

You tell us what you want to do. Not sure what you want to do? Send us what you're passionate about, and some options we can throw out to the  group to discuss. Your proposal doesn't have to be perfectly formed and outlined—in fact, for the Unconference to work, it needs to remain flexible and open to others' contributions and ideas.

Tell us what would inspire you to contribute and participate in this Unconference. What have you been yearning to do in a combined artistic-academic atmosphere that traditional structures prevent?

To propose an Unconference Element, you will need to provide:

* Your name

* Email

* Requirements (if any) for institutional support

* Description of your proposed element (2500 characters max). Please be sure to include any technical requirements to host and/or participate in your proposed element.

* Accessibility requirements/requests

* The time zone in which you will be working during the Unconference dates (14-15 May 2024)

More details and a link to submit are on our full call for proposals ( <>) .

See the Call ( <>)

** Don’t forget to enter the NMWP!


The Unconference is part of the 2023-4 New Media Writing Prize, which awards the best English-language works of born-digital writing in the following categories:

* Chris Meade Memorial New Media Writing Prize: £1000 donated by if:book UK.

* The Writers Online ( <>) Student Award: one year’s free membershipt to Writers Online.

* The FIPP ( <>) Digital Journalism Award: £500, plus a year's membership with FIPP.

* The Wonderbox ( <>) Opening Up Award: £500. The winner will be chosen through public voting.

* The (inaugural!) NMWP for Social Good Award: £500.

Enter Here ( <>)

Go to <> ( <>) for FAQs, terms and conditions, and to submit your Unconference proposal or NMWP entry. <> <> <>

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