Archive for calls, September 2022

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[Commlist] Call for Chapters "State-sponsored disinformation around the globe"

Mon Sep 05 14:14:44 GMT 2022

We would like to send a friendly reminder that the call for chapters for the edited book "State-sponsored disinformation around the globe. How politicians deceive their citizens"is still open until September 16th.





While disinformation is one of the main preoccupations for several nations, a chief sponsorhas been the State and its institutions, be it governments, parties, or security agencies.State-sponsored disinformation has vast resources, sophisticated techniques, and a broadapparatus,fromdigitalmediatoold-schooltactics,suchasbroadcastingandadvertising.

Nonetheless, the existing body of academic research has mostly aimed at explaining theinternational dimension of the issue in terms of cyber warfare, securitization and internationalpropaganda. Less investigated remains how state-sponsored disinformation is used againstcitizens and institutions within the same country, siding with particular factions and interests.SponsoredbytheIAMCRPoliticalCommunicationSection,thisvolumetacklesState-sponsoreddisinformationfromaglobalperspective.


This book will set the conceptualand empirical scaffold for our current understanding ofState-sponsored disinformation, from a global case-study perspective. On the one hand, itexamines the current discussion about disinformation within the State logic in its practicaland ethical dimensions. On the other, it interrogates the historical conditions that make thistype of disinformation thrive, as well as its short and long-term consequences. Finally, itreviews a range of cases in deceptive, transitional, and advanced democracies around theglobeinwhichStates,orsomeoftheirinstitutions,usedisinformationasarelevantstrategy.Casting light into those cases is essential for underscoring what the international communitycanlearnfromthem.


The book appeals to academics, researchers, students and practitioners in the areas ofmedia and communication studies, political science, international relations, media sociologyand public opinion. Furthermore, it can also be of interest to other stakeholders, such asjournalists,politicians,mediaandpoliticalanalysts,aswellasinstitutes,foundationsandcivilsocietyorganizationsthatworkforimprovingthedemocratichealthofournations.


We are open to a diversity of ways of addressing State-sponsored disinformation. Weparticularly encourage interdisciplinary works that explore new theoretical dimensions andprovide novel empirical data about this phenomenon. We welcome proposals that focus onthefollowingquestions,whilenotbeinglimitedtothem:


●Why is the State an institution prone to control public discourses throughdisinformation?Whatarethefunctionsofdisinformationduringelectionsandbetweenelectoralperiods?

●Where and when does disinformation thrive in terms of the political and mediasystems?WhatmakessomeStatesandinstitutionsmoreorlessaggressiveintheiruseofdisinformationtactics?


●What are the general tactics and narratives that States use to disinform theircitizens?Howdotheycombinetraditionalproceduresandstate-of-the-artdigitaltechniques?

●What are the main junctural and structural consequences of State-sponsoreddisinformation for democratic governance? What are their short-term consequences?(in elections and scandals, for example) What are their long-term consequences?(i.e.,thepreservationorchangeofregimes)Whymightsomeconstituenciesbemoreresilienttodisinformation?


The final section is expected to include cases from *non-democratic and transitional*countries in Eastern Europe, Africa, the Middle East, Southeast Asia, and Latin America,aswell as *consolidated democracies *in North América (the United States), Europe (Britain,Italy, Spain) and Asia (Japan). The chapters would preferably -yet not exclusively- answerarethefollowingquestions:

●What is the extent of disinformation operations in the nation and who are the mainculprits? Are there particular tactics unique to these countries, or are they commonlyused across countries or regions? What structural conditions have given way tothoseoperations?Whathavebeentheirmainconsequences?


Thebookisunderconsiderationby*Routledge*(Taylor&Francis),whohasshowninterestinthis edited volume. A full proposal with each chapter’s abstract will be sent to the topublisher, prior to developing the final manuscripts. Taylor & Francis is an internationalleader in the academic publishing business, with a strong international presence andcurrently publishing around 7,000 – 8,000 books a year. For additional information pleasevisit <>

Additionally,IAMCRhasapartnershipwithPalgraveMcMillan,whichisconsideredtooasavenueforthepublication( <>



- Martin Echeverria, Autonomous University of Puebla, Mexico (PhD University of Seville,Spain).CoChairofthePoliticalCommunicationSectionofIAMCR.Editor

- SaraGarcía,UniversitatObertadeCatalunya,Spain.(PhDUniversityofSheffield,UK).CoChairofthePoliticalCommunicationSectionofIAMCR.Editor

- Daniel C. Hallin, University of California San Diego, USA (PhD University of California,Berkeley).Guesteditor.


Researchers are invited to submit 1,000-word short proposals by September 16th, clearlyexplaining the focus, structure, and contribution of the proposed chapters, along thepreviouslyestablishedlines.


FullchaptersareexpectedtobesubmittedbyDecember16th, <>




September16th,2022:ProposalSubmissionDeadlineSeptember 23rd, 2022: Notification of AcceptanceDecember 16th, 2022: Full Chapter SubmissionJanuary 13th, 2023: Review Results ReturnedFebruary24th,2023:FinalChapterSubmission


      Martin Echeverria, (martin.echeverria /at/
      <mailto:(martin.echeverria /at/> __

      SaraGarcíaSantamaría,(sgarciasanta /at/
      <mailto:(sgarciasanta /at/>

*More information here* <>

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