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[Commlist] Call for papers International Conference TICEMED 12
Sat Aug 03 09:58:20 GMT 2019
*Call for papers*
*International Conference TICEMED 12*
*April 7-9, 2020*
*Panteion University, Athens (Greece)*
Department of Communication, Media and Culture
New pedagogical challenges to the accompaniment of the citizen
*Deadline:*September 23, 2019
*Call for papers*
*International Conference TICEMED 12*
*April 7-9, 2020*
*Panteion University, Athens (Greece)*
New pedagogical challenges to the accompaniment of the citizen
*IMSIC (Université de Toulon et Aix Marseille Universités) *
*CREM (Université de Lorraine)*
*Department of Communication, Media and Culture, (Panteion University)*
By the end of the 1980s, Media Literacy was presented as a necessary
aspect of strengthening citizenship. This is reflected on the Council of
Europe's Resolution on the Information Society, which in 1989 emphasized
on the "liberating and reassuring role" of Media Literacy for both civic
and political awareness. Two decades later, the "European Charter for
Education" (EuroMediaLiteracy, 2009) defines the skills and knowledge
that all learners are expected to have. Then the objectives that have
been presented in this charter reflect "a broad spectrum of concerns
regarding the media and their actions", (Landry, Basque, 2015: 11)
aiming at developing critical thinking.
The changes caused by the Information Society have strongly reinforced
the need for Media Literacy. The development of new technologies and the
convergence of formats raise new challenges and require new skills.
Cognitive or metacognitive skills alone are not enough. Technical skills
must now be combined with both analytical and ethical skills. These
skills arise concurrently witha participatory culture which allows
individual expression, civic engagement, creation of contents and its
sharing (Jenkins et al., 2009).
Inscribing media communication in the field of cultural practices,
Müller (2006: 107) points out that "cultural communication today is a
complex interplay between the media". Some authors insist on the
cultural dimension of the notion, noting that "the past and present of
contemporary culture and the media are pieces of an intermedial culture"
(Lehtonen, 2001: 71) or that "the issue of intermediality is a necessary
step in cultural history" (Jost, 2005: 119). Others announce the
creation of an intermedial sphere, conceived as "the symbolic space
constituted by the media in their relationship with communities"
(Lacasse, 1999).
These conceptual shifts are increasingly palpable in contemporary
societies not only within the academic and scholarly worlds; they
directly affect all areas of social and professional activity, from
cultural and creative industries to media sphere, such as the world of
business, organizations, communities and also, education authorities at
all levels.
Within the contemporary transmedia landscape, /amateurs/ and
professionals merge, as well as producers and consumers, sometimes
blurring /genres/, messages and their interpretation. It then becomes
urgent to think of education, or rather the different ways of educating
on and understanding the media as an ongoing process accompanying the
citizen (the student as well as the professional) in his life and daily
activities. This doesn’t concern only school or university environment,
but also a wide range of sectors and fields which are changing:
communication professions, journalism, culture, political communication,
cultural and creative industries, the public and populations in
precarious situations...
Considering that the skills we acquire through the use of media products
influence the way we learn, we work, we participate in the political
process, and we connect with others (Jenkins, 2006), rethinking the
specifications of this intermedial cultural practice is becoming urgent.
In this regard, the role played by the gaming – and by the gaming on
media platforms - on the way that the learner perceives the learning
environmenthas been discussed in the previous editions of The Ticemed
Conferences (e.g. Bonfils, Dumas, Massou, 2016).
In 2006, Henry Jenkins noted that "... in a hunting culture, kids play
with bows and arrows. In an information society, they play with
information" (Jenkins, 2006: 130). A decade later, a very large-scale
research into the political socialization of American youth- bringing
together the results of several American researchers (see Thorson,
Mickinney, Shah, 2016) - highlights the urgent need to rethink the way
in which we consider the socialization of young people, because the
"traditional" environment of information sources has been radically
altered by the hyper-saturation of the media world.
It is precisely in this hyper-saturated media landscape that this
conference aims to explore the ways and means by which we can accompany
and conceive a public culture towards media and new media practices.
Through various examples, Ticemed12 will aim at analyzing the different
issues of media literacy, whenever or wherever the education/training
takes place. How can educators encourage thedevelopment of critical
thinkingskills? How can they allow learners to use, produce and
disseminate content in a relevant and informed way? How do users educate
themselves to the media? To what extent are users involved in their
training and education?
Four major themes are proposed, indicatively, to question the
problematic of the conference.
*1/*New media and new information and communication skills in a hybrid
environment and in a digital world, where expert productions intermingle
with amateur ones; Blurring boundaries between /amateurs/ and
professionals in communication and media education;
*2/*Media education against social inequalities, sexism, racism and
exclusions in general, for the integration of populations and of
populations in difficulty;
*3/*Media and Information Literacy against fake news and misinformation,
rumors and conspiracy, and for the development of critical thinking,
taking into account new democratic issues. Playfulness as a political act;
*4/*Media Literacy at the service of the public at the margins. For
example, the "seniors" who, contrary to popular belief, are in the role
of consumer and user of new media technologies, and "young people" who
practice them fluently with or without accompaniment. What
appropriations and practices for this type of audience, which is not to
be considered as homogeneous?
*Indicative references:*
Bonfils Ph.*, *Dumas Ph.*, *Massou L.(dir.) (2016),/Numérique et
éducation. Dispositifs, jeux, enjeux, hors jeu/, Nancy, PUN - Éditions
universitaires de Lorraine, coll. « Questions de communication / Actes ».
Conseil de l’Europe. (1989, octobre). Résolution sur la Société de
l’information : un défi pour les politiques de l’éducation ? ( n° 1).
Présenté à la Conférence permanente des ministres de l’Éducation du
Conseil de l’Europe, Istanbul, Turquie. En ligne : à
Corroy, L. (2016). /Education et médias: La créativité à l’ère du
numérique/. Londres, ISTE Editions.
EuroMediaLiteracy (2009). Charte européenne pour l’éducation aux médias.
En ligne :http://www.euromedialiteracy.eu/charter.php?id=1
Jenkins, H. et al. (2009). Confronting the Challenges of Participatory
Culture : Media Education for the 21st Century. Cambridge, MA : MIT Press.
/Jenkins H. (/2006). /Convergence culture: Where old and new media
collide/. New York, New York University Press
JostF., 2005, « Des vertus heuristiques de l’intermédialité »,
Intermédialités : histoire et théorie des arts, des lettres et des
techniques / Intermediality: History and Theory of the Arts, Literature
and Technologies, n° 6, pp. 109-119.
Landry, N. et Basque, J. (2015). « L’éducation aux médias :
contributions, pratiques et perspectives de recherche en sciences de la
communication », /Communiquer/, 15 | -1, 47-63.
Lacasse G., 1999, /« /Intermédialité, deixis et politique/ »,/colloque
du CRI (Centre de Recherche sur l’Intermédialité) ,
[accédé le: 7/2/2019]
Lehtonen M., 2001, « On No Man’s Land. Theses on Intermediality»,
/Nordicom Review 22.1/, pp. 71-84.
Müller J., 2006, « Vers l’intermédialité. Histoires, positions et
options d’un axe de pertinence », /Médiamorphoses /n°16, dossier « D’un
média… l’autre » (coord. Gilles Delavaud, Thierry Lancien), Paris,
INA/Armand Colin, avril 2006, pp. 99-110.
Müller J., 2010, « Intermediality and the Media Historiography in the
Digital Era », /Acta/
/Universitaties Sapietiae, Film and Media Studies, /2, pp. 15-38.
Thorson E., Mickinney M.S., Shah D. (eds), 2016, /Political
Socialization in a media-saturated world, /Peter Lang, New York.
*Submission process**:*
• Conference languages: French, English
•Abstract proposal: Proposals for an anonymous communication (2500
signs), in French or in English.
·Text for the pre-acts on line of the conference (15000 signs): French
or English, with two summaries (in French and in English), and a
possible third summary in the native language of the author (following
the instructions which will be provided to authors upon acceptance);
·Oral communication (20 minutes + debate): French or English with a
visual support in French or English, according to the instructions that
will be provided during the final acceptance;
• Publication of a selection of texts in a book of the "Series acts"
backed by the journal /Questions de communication/ and / or in a special
chapter of the online journal Distances and Mediations of Knowledge:
modalities to be specified later, texts submitted to a double-blind
evaluation, in French (for the /"Actes" Series/) and / or English (for
/Distances and Mediations of Knowledge/).
·Selection procedure for communication proposals and pre-acts: Double
blind evaluation by the scientific committee of the symposium at all
stages of the process.
• September 23, 2019 : Abstracts (2500 characters) must be submitted
electronically onthe conference platform :http://ticemed12.sciencesconf.org/
• November 4, 2019 : Notification of decision for abstracts submitted
• January 6, 2020 : Submission of the full text of the communications
(15000 characters) on the conference platform :
• February 3, 2020 : Notification of decision for papers submitted (with
eventual propositions of revision)
• Mars 23, 2020 : Submission of the definitive text of the communication
for the pre-acts on line on the conference platform :
• April 7-8-9, 2020 : TiceMed12 Conference, Panteion University,
Department of Communication, Media and Culture, Athens, Greece.
The abstract proposals and the full texts will be submitted on the
platform in .doc format, after having been anonymised (no nominative
references to the author's publications, whose name will be replaced by
the mention "author"). In case of technical difficulty, contact
(ticemed12 /at/ univ-tln.fr) <mailto:(ticemed12 /at/ univ-tln.fr)>
No communication proposal sent by email will be examined.
You will gradually find all useful information on the conference
website: www.ticemed.eu <http://www.ticemed.eu>
For any questions, you can also contact:
• Philippe Bonfils : (philippe.bonfils /at/ univ-tln.fr)
<mailto:(philippe.bonfils /at/ univ-tln.fr)>
• Philippe Dumas : (philippe.dumas /at/ univ-tln.fr)
<mailto:(philippe.dumas /at/ univ-tln.fr)>
• Emilie Remond : (emilie.remond /at/ univ-poitiers.fr)
<mailto:(emilie.remond /at/ univ-poitiers.fr)>
• Bérengère Stassin : (berengere.stassin /at/ univ-lorraine.fr)
<mailto:(berengere.stassin /at/ univ-lorraine.fr)>
• Ioanna Vovou : (vovou /at/ panteion.gr) <mailto:(vovou /at/ panteion.gr)>
*Scientific Committee **:*
Etienne-Armand Amato, Université Paris Est Marne-la-Vallée, France
Abderrahmane Amsider, Université d'Agadir, Maroc
Nicolaos Bakounakis, Panteion University, Greece
Françoise Bernard, Aix-Marseille Université, France
Khalid Berrada, Université Cadi Ayyad de Marrakech, Maroc
André Blanchard, Université du Québec en Abitibi-Témiscamingue, Canada
Philippe Bonfils, Université de Toulon, France
Kamel Bouraoui, Université Virtuelle de Tunis, Tunisie
Jean-François Ceci, Université de Pau et des Pays de l'Adour, France
Jean-François Cerisier, Université de Poitiers, France
Bernadette Charlier, Université de Fribourg, Suisse
Anne Cordier, Université de Rouen, France
Fathallah Daghmi, Université de Poitiers, France
Philippe Dumas, Université de Toulon, France
Michel Durampart, Université de Toulon, France
Cynthia Eid, Université de Montréal, Canada
Jérôme Eneau, Université de Rennes 2, France
Olivier Galibert, Université de Bourgogne, France
Imed Gargouri, Université de Sfax, Tunisie
Thierry Gobert, Université de Perpignan, France
Catherine Kellner, Université de Lorraine, France
Evangelia Kourti, National and Kapodistrian University of Athens, Greece
François Jost, Université Paris III-Sorbonne Nouvelle
Brigitte Juanals, Aix-Marseille Université, France
Michel Lavigne, Université de Toulouse, France
Sylvie Leleu-Merviel, Université de Valenciennes et du Haut-Cambrésis,
Valérie Lépine, Université Stendhal, Grenoble 3, France
Luc Massou, Université de Lorraine, France
Cathia Papi, Télé Université du Québec, Canada.
Daniel Peraya, Université de Genève, revue DMS, Suisse
Daniel Raichvarg, Université de Bourgogne, France
Émilie Rémond, Université de Poitiers, France
Caroline Rizza, Telecom Paris Tech, France
Carla Serhan, Université de Balamand, Liban
Stéphane Simonian, Université de Lyon 2, France
Brigitte Simonnot, Université de Lorraine, France
Florence Thiault, Université de Lille, France
Farid Toumi, Université d'Agadir, Maroc
Panayota Tsakaretou, Panteion University, Greece
Philippe Useille, Université de Valenciennes, France
Ioanna Vovou, Panteion University, Greece
Carsten Wilhem, Université de Haute Alsace, France
NB : The members of the scientific committee and the organizing
committee can send a proposal which will be evaluated, too, in double blind.
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