Archive for calls, March 2018

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[ecrea] Call for book chapter submissions: Craft Entrepreneurship

Thu Mar 29 20:19:08 GMT 2018

*New call for book chapter submissions: Craft Entrepreneurship*


The proposed book, Craft Entrepreneurship, will be co-edited by Dr Annette Naudin and Dr Karen Patel and published by Rowman & Littlefield (TBC).

*Abstract submission deadline: 31^st  July 2018.*

Call details:

We invite submission of book chapter proposals in the form of a 300 word abstract, as a word document.

Potential authors are welcome to contact the editors to discuss their ideas and for further information please contact Annette and/or Karen (annette.naudin /at/ <mailto:(Annette.naudin /at/> and (karen.patel /at/ <mailto:(karen.patel /at/>

Craft workers have become the subject of interest for scholars exploring the relationship between creative economy and cultural work (Luckman, 2015; Luckman and Thomas, 2018a). Making and selling craft products, is perceived as an antidote to an ever-expanding global consumer culture, fuelled by cheaply manufactured goods and resulting in destructive environmental consequences. Craft work is not usually associated with entrepreneurship, given the relatively low income, which according to Crafts Council UK, is below the national average of those employed in the UK’s creative industries, a wage of £681 per week (2014). Other benefits are associated with craft work such as a love of making, opportunities for engaging with communities and crafts are increasingly understood as part of a movement which celebrate handmade and artisanal products in the face of climate change and economic uncertainties (Luckman and Thomas, 2018b). Yet, entrepreneurial practices are a significant aspect of sustaining a craft business, as part of a port-folio career or as a self-employed worker. Contemporary craft entrepreneurs can be highly resourceful, making the most of digital technologies and embracing platforms such as Etsy to sell products and social media sites such as Instagram to build brand awareness and reputation (Luckman and Thomas, 2018b). We are looking for expressions of interest and abstracts that will look critically at ‘Craft Entrepreneurship’ from interdisciplinary perspectives. We welcome contributions from cultural studies, cultural policy studies, entrepreneurship studies, gender and entrepreneurship studies, sociology and feminist gender studies.

Contributions could include:

  * Everyday management of craft entrepreneurship
  * Craft practitioner contributions working with academic researchers
  * Historical accounts
  * Collectives, co-working and craft work
  * Craft entrepreneurship and cultural policy
  * Entrepreneurial craft practice from diverse communities and individuals
  * Notions of expertise
  * Rural environments
  * Online entrepreneurial practices
  * New business models
  * Professional and amateur debates
  * Networks and relationships (on and/or offline)
  * Identity
  * Feminist perspectives

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