Archive for calls, March 2018

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[ecrea] cfp: International Association for Dialogue Analysis (2018 IADA TAIWAN)

Wed Mar 21 16:57:22 GMT 2018

Call for Paper- International Association for Dialogue Analysis (2018 IADA TAIWAN)

Deadline for proposals EXTENDED to April 16th, 2018

Dialogue and Becoming: Technologies, Agencies, and Ways of Relating.

The 2018 International Association for Dialogue Analysis (IADA) conference will be held from September 25-28, 2018 at the Chinese Culture University in Taipei, Taiwan, co-hosted by National Taiwan Normal University.

This conference encourages scholars to study what happens when we expand the interlocutors of dialogue to non-humans (e.g. Butler, 2015; Caronia & Cooren, 2014; Haraway, 1991; Latour, 1987, 2005; Tannen, 2004) and more immaterial forms of agency (Derrida, 1994) to see how our human existence, cultures, and histories are/can be transformed when we relate to these participants. While transformations and changes are inherent in the dia/logos process among speaking subjects (e.g., Bohm, 1996), the heterogeneous interlocutors of our (post)modern days can provide and reveal greater possibilities, creativities, and realized responsibilities once they are legitimized and included into dialogues. We welcome papers, proposals, and panels to theoretically and empirically explore these possibilities through, but not limited to, the following subthemes: • Dialogue and technology: dialogue through technologies, technologies through dialogues, how dialogue (can) serve(s) as a mechanism in technologies (e.g., chatbot, AI), social media and mass self-communication; • Dialogue and memories: texts vs. oral culture, identities/histories/bodies vs. documentation; • Dialogue and virtualities: interfaces/interactions between material and immmaterial entities; • Dialogue and visibility: interaction and modes of seeing, performativity, data visualization; • Dialogue as/with/for the others: animals and plants, things, the dead, the unqualified, outside the boundaries; • Dialogue and hauntology: The detailed study of what or who is haunting dialogues.

Deadline Extension:April 16th 2018 at 23:59 Taipei Time (GMT +8).


We invite abstracts (500 to 700 words), extended abstracts (1, 000 to 1,500 words), or panel proposals including references. Any citation style is permitted (e.g., MLA, APA, Chicago). Each abstract and panel should clearly indicate: how the contribution relates to the theme of the conference; the specific phenomenon the contribution focuses on; the theoretical framework, the research method(s), the empirical bases of the study or the empirical illustration of the theoretical point(s). Each panel proposal should also include:

1) 3-5 presenters

2) A 350-400 words abstract explain the theories and approach of your panel, and how the discussion of this panel is constituted by each presenter.

3) There should be a 200-250 words abstract and subtopic for each presenter.

Each submission should also provide the following information at the end of the abstract:

1) 5-7 keywords of your study; and

2) specify one to two subthemes to which your abstract most fit (dialogue and technology, dialogue and memories, dialogue and virtualities, dialogue and visibility, dialogue as/with/for the others, dialogue and hauntology)

All the abstracts please submit to: (iada2018taipei /at/ <mailto:(iada2018taipei /at/>

Contacts: For any inquiry concerning the extended abstract/paper submission please contact: (paper.iadaconference2018 /at/ <mailto:(paper.iadaconference2018 /at/> For any inquiry concerning the conference organization please contact: (info.iadaconference2018 /at/ <mailto:(info.iadaconference2018 /at/>

Scientific Organization:

Huey-Rong Chen (Department of Journalism, Chinese Culture University)

Yachi Chen (Department of Journalism, Chinese Culture University)

Yen-Chieh Lo (Department of Journalism, Chinese Culture University)

Wei-Ching Wang (Graduate Institute of Mass Communication, National Taiwan Normal University)

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