Archive for calls, March 2018

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[ecrea] CfP: Challenges of Social Media Data for Bibliometrics. Special Track at STI Conference 2018

Tue Mar 20 23:27:00 GMT 2018

as part of the STI Conference 2018 ( we will be organizing a special track on the “Challenges of Social Media Data for Bibliometrics” (#sti18challenge).

This specialized track focuses on the ongoing challenges for using data from social media platforms and from third party aggregators as sources for research metrics and scientometric indicators. These challenges include but are not limited to:

--> platform-based restrictions in accessing social media data and potential biases resulting from limited access (also: biases introduced by data aggregators)

--> black boxes, hidden algorithms, and lack of information about collection processes and context affecting the use of social media data and data aggregators

-->lack of understanding of user activities (e.g. motivations to retweet, like, share) and user groups in academic contexts

-->incomplete data (e.g. due to missing DOIs or identifiers not tracked by aggregators) and noise (e.g.due to bot-activity)

We invite the following types of submissions:

a) original research studying the quality of social media data and data aggregators for measuring scholarly communication

b) short (hands-on) introductions and best practices for using data from one or more specific social media platforms or aggregators.

Please submit your work as short papers (max 3,000 words) until April 1, 2018. See templates, EasyChair access and additional submission information.

Looking forward to your submissions

Katrin Weller, Astrid Orth, Isabella Peters




23rd Science and Technology Indicators Conference (STI 2018)

September 12-14, 2018

Leiden, The Netherlands.

Website: <>




- Deadline for submissions: April 1, 2018

- Notification of acceptance: June 15, 2018

- Early-bird registration: June 15 – July 15, 2018

- Conference: September 12 - 14, 2018

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