Archive for calls, March 2018

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[ecrea] White Paper Publication - H2020 Transmedia Literacy Project

Sat Mar 17 14:31:37 GMT 2018

White Paper Publication - H2020 Transmedia Literacy Project

What are teens doing with media? New White Paper published with the final outputs of TRANSMEDIA LITERACY. Exploiting transmedia skills and informal learning strategies to improve formal education (TRANSLITERACY – 645238 / Horizon 2020 – Research and Innovation actions)

The aim of the Transmedia Literacy project is to understand how the young boys and girls (12-18 years old) are learning skills outside the school. The construction of those cultural competencies and social skills are at the centre of the research, which integrates survey responses, interviews, focus groups, and participant observation. Once the informal learning strategies and practices applied by young people outside the formal institutions were identified, the team  ‘translated’ them into a series of activities and proposals to be implemented inside school settings  To do so, the Transmedia Literacy Project has also produced a Teacher’s Kit designed to facilitate the integration of transliteracies in the classroom.

In short, the Transmedia Literacy project has aimed to:

- Contribute to a better understanding of how teens are consuming, producing, sharing, creating and learning in digital environments - Create a map of transmedia skills and informal learning strategies used by young boys and girls that identify how these may correspond with the formal education system. - Go beyond the identification of skills/strategies and propose a Teacher’s Kit that any teacher could download, adapt and apply in the classroom. - Conduct research and develop these toolkits in 9 countries across three continents.
- Integrate an international and interdisciplinary team of researchers.

The Transmedia Literacy project involves an interdisciplinary group of more than 50 researchers with sound experience in fields such as: media literacy, transmedia storytelling, user-generated content and participatory culture, traditional and virtual ethnography, and pedagogy and innovation in education. The research focuses on specific skills (e.g.. transmedia content production and sharing, problem solving in videogames, etc.) in 8 countries across three continents (Australia, Colombia, Finland, Italy, Portugal, Spain, United Kingdom, and Uruguay).

Please, download our White Paper to know more information. It is available in five different languages:


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