Archive for calls, March 2018

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[ecrea] 2nd Europe in Discourse Conference-CfP

Thu Mar 15 12:26:09 GMT 2018

Hellenic American University and the European Public Law Organization

announce the
Call for Papers
for the 2nd International Europe in Discourse Conference AGENDAS OF REFORM Athens, 21-23 September 2018

The 1st Europe in Discourse Conference on Identity, Diversity, Borders used the lens of discourse analysis to talk about Europe and the challenges it faces. The Conference closed with an open commitment for a second conference in 2018 with a greater interdisciplinary character. The 2nd Conference under the Europe in Discourse initiative shifts the focus of analysis from challenges to solutions. Britain’s decision to leave the European project strengthened disintegrative agendas. The pro-European French President, Emmanuel Macron, promises to re-launch Europe while German Chancellor, Angela Merkel, speaks about drawing up a "common road map" for Europe. Although reform is a common denominator, there is no consensus on what that an agenda of reform might look like nor how it would be achieved.

Agendas of Reform starts from the conviction that time has come for a dialogue between those who talk about Europe and those who “do” Europe. For political analysts, historians, economists and policy-makers in Brussels, the Conference will be an opportunity to discuss the future of Europe in terms of the concepts that have shaped the EU to date, such as enlargement, integration, and institutional reform. For communication and language analysts, the Conference will be a chance to interact with experts from other disciplines and explore the communication perspectives of polity building in the European Union. For all of us, it will be an opportunity to reflect on what agendas of reform are likely to succeed and how the hopes reflected in such agendas can best be communicated to the people of Europe.

Conference Themes
The 2nd Europe in Discourse Conference Agendas of Reform invites papers from a broad range of fields and perspectives on the following topics:

Values-based Reform, from Enlargement to Legitimization Completing the EMU EU Security and Defense The Franco-German Relationship The Transatlantic Dimension The European Union and Islam Greece and the European Union

Since Agendas of Reform follows the 1st Europe in Discourse Conference, contributions on the so-called “poly-crisis” of the EU, the refugee crisis and European populism on the right and the left are also welcome.

Presentation Formats and Abstracts
Proposals are welcome as oral communications and themed panels.

Oral Communications
Proposals for participation in the 2nd International EID Conference on Agendas of Reform should be submitted as oral communications consisting of a 20-minute presentation followed by a 10-minute discussion. Abstracts for oral communications should not exceed 300 words and list five keywords.
Proposals should be submitted on the Conference website by April 8th, 2018.

To submit your abstract click here:

Themed Panels
Proposals for panels must be submitted online as a single document, single-spaced in 12-point type. Panel proposals should include an overview of the theme, a title of the panel, and abstracts of 4 – 5 papers, each to be delivered within 30 minutes (a 20-minute presentation followed by a 10-minute period for questions). The names of panel presenters should be omitted from the document to enable double-blind review. However, panel organizers should include their own name. Acceptance notifications will be sent only to panel organizers.
Please submit your proposal on the Conference website by April 8th, 2018.

To submit your panel proposal click here:

Evaluation Process
All abstracts will be blind peer-reviewed and ranked by the Conference Scientific Committee. In their review, the Committee will consider the degree to which the presentation makes a contribution to the development of the discipline, points to future research agendas, or presents innovative or interdisciplinary approaches, including novel collaborations or syntheses across sub-disciplines or with other related disciplines. A proposal may be given higher priority if clearly linked to one or more of the conference themes.

Notification of acceptance of oral communications and panels will be sent by May 1st, 2018.

Please consult the home page of the website for a list of the Conference Committees
Confirmed Speakers
Despina-Ino Afentouli, NATO
Kevin Featherstone, London School of Economics Konstantinos Filis, Institute of International Relations Evanthis Hatzivassiliou, University of Athens François Heisbourg, International Institute for Strategic Studies Panagiotis Ioakimides, University of Athens Michał Krzyżanowski, University of Liverpool François Lafond, Blue Networks and Opportunities George Pagoulatos, Athens University of Economics and Business Haris Papassotiriou, Institute of International Relations George Prevelakis, Panthéon-Sorbonne University Federico Romero, European University Institute Antonio Varsori, European Union Liaison Committee of Historians, University of Padua Franco Zapettini, University of Liverpool

Contact Information
Conference Secretariat: (europeindiscourse /at/

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