Archive for calls, March 2018

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[ecrea] cfp - 7th Graduate Spring School on *Comparative Media Systems: Challenges to journalism in the digital age

Thu Mar 15 12:25:07 GMT 2018


Second call for applications - 7^th Graduate Spring School on *Comparative Media Systems: Challenges to journalism in the digital age, **(IUC-CMS 2018)*, Inter University Center ; Dubrovnik, 15-20 April 2018

/Course directors:/

Carmen Ciller, Universidad Carlos III de Madrid, Spain

Steffen Lepa, Technische Universität Berlin, Germany

Paolo Mancini, Università di Perugia, Italy

Snježana Milivojević, University of Belgrade, Serbia

Paul Clemens Murschetz, Alpen-Adria-Universität Klagenfurt, Austria

Zrinjka Peruško, University of Zagreb, Croatia

Slavko Splichal, University of Ljubljana, Slovenia

Alice Němcová Tejkalová, Charles University, Czech Republic


/Course Description: /

Is journalism in crisis? Some in the industry & practice fear for the future of the profession in the digital media environment – cf. the podcast by Katharine Viner, editor in chief of the Guardian The digital environment presents one of the challenges for journalism as a profession and practice, but also as an institution which had a key role for the development of modern society and liberal democracy. The loss of unique control of the production and distribution process of news, the changes in the gatekeeping role of the media, and the new players, the social media and apps, the challenge to the attentions of the audiences from multiple other (than media) sources of content, the speed of the digital, and the shift of the audience attention to digitally delivered content, all present significant challenges. Changes in the political sphere, with increased polarization and populism, the “post-truth” environment, also impact the definition and the role of journalism.

What is the shape of journalism in face of these various challenges of the present day? How are news and its use affected by these changes? How are the challenges to journalism shaped in different media systems? How is journalism changing in different parts of the world in answer to the challenges? We will debate these issues in the 7^th IUC Comparative Media Systems course drawing on the results of several comparative research projects that investigate these issues today: the Worlds of Journalism Study ( produced a number of interesting insights into the changes of journalism in different regions of the world; the Digital News Project of the Reuters Institute for the Study of Journalism, University of Oxford, ( another comparative source on which we will draw; the cross-country study of News as a Democratic resource (articles are available in the new issue of the journal Participations provides an insight into comparative cross-media news repertoires with a qualitative methodology.

The course includes a one day hands-on *methodological* *workshop* on the design and implementation of Q interviews and the accompanying statistical analysis of the qualitative interview results.

/Course Organization:/

This seventh "slow science" IUC-CMS is an interdisciplinary research conference & post-graduate course open to doctoral and post-doctoral students in media, communication and related fields engaged with the issue of journalism, that wish to discuss their current work with established and emerging scholars and get relevant feedback.

Invited lecturers will deliver keynote lectures with ample discussion opportunities. Course attendees will have extended opportunity to present and discuss their current own works with the course directors and other participants in seminar form (English language) and in further informal meetings around the beautiful old-town of Dubrovnik (UNESCO World Heritage) over 5 full working days (Monday to Saturday).

The working language is English. All participants will receive a Certificate of Attendance.


*Application: *


*To apply, send a CV and a motivation letter to **(zrinjka.perusko /at/* <mailto:(zrinjka.perusko /at/>*Students who wish to present their paper should also send a 300 word abstract of their research. The course can accept 20 students, and the applications are received on a rolling basis. After acceptance you need to register also on this web page *****


*Participants from Albania, Algeria, Armenia, Azerbaijani, Belarus, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Egypt, Kosovo, Kyrgyzstan, Libya, Macedonia, Moldova, Montenegro, Republic of Georgia, Serbia, Tunisia and Ukraine might be eligible for the IUC scholarship which covers half-board and lodging in Dubrovnik. Further information is available on the ****. *

/Venue Information:/

The Inter-University Centre was founded in Dubrovnik in 1972 as an independent, autonomous academic institution with the aim of promoting international co-operation between academic institutions throughout the world. Courses are held in all scientific disciplines around the year, with participation of member and affiliated universities.

/Additional Information:/

For further information about academic matters please contact the organizing course director: professor Zrinjka Peruško (zrinjka.perusko /at/ <mailto:(zrinjka.perusko /at/>, Centre for Media and Communication Research ( <>), Department of Media and Communication, Faculty of Political Science ( <>), University of Zagreb ( <>).

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