Archive for calls, March 2018

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[ecrea] BDAIR 18 Symposium, Call for Papers

Wed Mar 14 18:01:59 GMT 2018


Digital Futures Symposium
De Montfort University, Campus Centre, June 28, 2018


How might algorithms and big data shape our digital futures? In what ways can the semantic web impact our everyday life Are there ways of envisioning a structure for managing data in a meaningful way, that may offer transformational experience? We are witnessing a shift in political, social, cultural and technical relations which are increasingly driven by big data and algorithms. Our external environment is being codified leading to an increased level of surveillance both at personal and professional levels. This in itself is a challenge to privacy and data protection. We are already experiencing self-monitoring and tracking with the devices we wear, that prompt us to engage in certain behaviour. Are we far from a day when technology will induce behavioural changes, not only at cognitive level but also at connative levels? What for claims that Big Data will make theory redundant? What ontological and epistemological issues arise in relation to these technologies? Our thoughts, emotions and actions are increasingly getting interpellated by algorithms and data. How does that then impact on the ‘Logos-Pathos-Ethos’ of our lives? Sophia bot froze on the question of corruption in Ukraine, but we managed to collect enough data via algorithms to shape Brexit campaign. At the same time, big data pose challenges as they generate noise and that means data often can be indecipherable, bewildering and recherché. Disruptions are common when we deal with data in any subject area. Therefore, it is cardinal to address the technological complexity, not only through academic research, scholarship and pedagogic practice, but also industry engagement. On the other hand, big data and algorithms embed innovation and we encounter technologies in a transformational way, where conversations and dialogic interventions are rapid. Perhaps due to the contrasting ways in which we engage with big data and algorithms, the need for well-defined theoretical frameworks and methodological tools are increasingly in demand. This symposium will therefore, develop the critical conversation around the data paradigm to challenge conventions and propose innovative engagement to expand our boundary.

We invite empirical and theoretical research papers and panels that address themes such as: -Media datafication and neoliberalism-Researching media and culture using data methods
-Data and business
-Social media and big data
-Ethics and technology-Data visualisation, art and design
-Social responsibility and innovation
-Data and sustainability-Data and health
-Machine learning and AI-Mobile and locative media
-Quantified self and data cultures-Data and surveillance
-Data and education-Social bots and the management of sociality

Submission details

Individual papers:
 Please submit abstracts of 250-350 words, written in English. Abstracts should contain a clear outline of the argument, the theoretical framework, methodology and results (if applicable), and how this links to the theme and topics of this conference, or to the general concerns of digital culture and communication. Please include 3-5 keywords that describe your work, and a Bio note (max 100 words, stating affiliation). All abstracts and Bio note should be sent as a single document. Please provide abstracts as .DOC or .DOCX file types.

Posters are to be designed for an A3 poster size in landscape or portrait format. Papers should be presented in IEEE formatting style including structure and reference style or in Harvard style. There is a possibility of Special Issue with the journals and further information will be available soon on our website

Details for abstract submission:
Abstracts and posters should be submitted via

Important dates
Registering (Expression of Interest) abstracts and poster proposals: April 9, 2018 (email organisers using BDAIR 18 in the subject line).
Deadline for submission is Friday, April 20, 2018.
Notification of acceptance: April 28th, 2018.
Full papers (short papers 2-4pages or regular papers 6-8 pages) due May 21st, 2018
Any queries, please feel free to contact the organisers.

Dr Indrani Lahiri, Senior Lecturer, Media and Communications Faculty of Technology, (ilahiri /at/ <mailto:(ilahiri /at/> Dr Simon Mills, Associate Professor in Media and Communications, Faculty of Technology, (smills /at/ <mailto:(smills /at/> Dr Aladdin Ayesh, Reader in Artificial Intelligence, Faculty of Technology (aayesh /at/ <mailto:(aayesh /at/>

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