Archive for calls, March 2018

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[ecrea] CFP: Byung-Chul Han and Critical Cultural Studies

Sat Mar 10 11:34:11 GMT 2018

Call for Proposals: Byung-Chul Han and Critical Cultural Studies

Byung-Chul Han is a widely read and influential philosopher at Berlin’s University of the Arts and many of his works have been just been translated into English. Arguing that we have moved beyond Foucault’s disciplinary society and notions of biopolitics, Han writes that, especially due to new digital technologies and social media (Han 2017a), current society is characterized by psychopolitics (2017b), transparency (2015a), and burnout (2015b). His many books also cover subjects such as a crisis of time (dyschronicity) (2017c), a crisis of love (2017d), and other topics.

I am seeking a diverse set of scholars to join a panel discussion on the relevance of Han’s provocative thought for contemporary cultural studies and communication studies. I will be proposing this panel to the Communication and Critical/Cultural Studies division of the National Communication Association for their annual conference in Salt Lake City, Utah next November. The format for the panel would be short papers on a variety of perspectives on Han’s work, fostering a larger conversation between panel members and the audience. It is meant to be both an introduction and a critical engagement with this work. Obviously, it will not be possible to address all aspects of his work, but perhaps we will center on key themes set out in The Transparency Society, In the Swarm, and Psychopolitics as they relate to social media, surveillance, and politics, bringing in other work as relevant.

If you are interested in being a part of this panel, please email me ((gregwise /at/ by Friday, March 16^th , and describe what aspects of Han’s work you would like to address. Once we get a group together we can figure out what format or key theme works best for the group. But at this point I am most interested in gathering a group of scholars interested in engaging with this work.

Current English translations of Han’s work:

Han (2015a) The Transparency Society. Stanford.

Han (2015b) The Burnout Society. Stanford

Han (2017a) In the Swarm. MIT.

Han (2017b) Psychopolitics: Neoliberalism and new Technologies of power. Verso.

Han (2017c) The Scent of Time. Polity.

Han (2017d) The Agony of Eros. MIT.

Han (2017e) Saving Beauty. Polity.

Han (2017f) Shanzhai: Deconstruction in Chinese. MIT.

Han (forthcoming) The Expulsion of the Other: Society, Perception, and Communication Today. Polity.

Han (forthcoming) Topology of Violence. MIT.

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