Archive for calls, March 2018

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[ecrea] L'avventura - Call for essays

Wed Mar 07 17:23:14 GMT 2018

/L’avventura. International Journal of Italian Film and Media Landscapes/


/L’avventura. International Journal of Italian Film and Media Landscapes/aims at positioning itself at the heart of the contemporary debate on Italian visual and media culture, its history and its present characteristics. The journal’s main areas of interest include:


* *Patterns, styles, figures*: the evolution of styles and patterns, themes and narratives; the rela­tionship between film and other art and communication practices; modes of production and industrial forms.

* *Archive*: film and media archives, as much as oral sources.

* *Differences*: local, national, gender and generational identities as shaped and moulded in cinema and media discourse.

* *Spectatorship*: reception and audience studies within the Italian context, or related to the Ital­ian media products circulating abroad.

* *Camera*:  the history and present of Italian photography, as related to visual and media culture.

* *Contemporary tale*: a fresh look onto contemporary narrative patterns within Italian me­dia production.

Please send your abstract to (lavventura.direttivo /at/ <mailto:(lavventura.direttivo /at/>. Abstracts should be between 300 and 400 words and can be submitted in English or in Italian. The pro­posal shall include: 5 keywords, main bibliographical references, author/s, institution, con­tacts (e-mail, telephone), together with a short curriculum for each author.

If the proposal is accepted, the author/s will be asked to submit the whole article. Essay must be formatted according to il Mulino style guide­lines (

Contributions will be sent to two independent reviewers in a double-blind procedure prior to publication decision. Authors could be requested to change or improve their articles when sug­gested by reviewers.

Articles should be between 5,000-6,000 words in length (no more than 40,000 characters, spaces and notes included), but shorter articles will be considered.

/L’avventura/is a biannual journal with a permanent call for essays: abstracts submitted by September 30th will be considered for publication in the Spring Issue, while abstracts submitted by March 31st will be considered for publication in the Fall Issue.


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