Archive for calls, March 2018

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[ecrea] CfP VOX-Pol Conference on Violent Extremism, Terrorism, and the Internet

Mon Mar 05 17:58:50 GMT 2018


*Dates: *20 and 21 Aug. 2018 (post-conference workshops 22 Aug.)
*Location: *University of Amsterdam, The Netherlands

*Final Submission Date: *Friday, 13 April

VOX-Pol’s third biennial conference will take place at the University of Amsterdam on 20 – 21 August 2018, with post-conference workshops <> taking place on 22 August 2018.

VOX-Pol’s inaugural two-day conference <> took place at King’s College London on 28 – 29 August 2014, while VOX-Pol’s mid-project conference <> took place at Dublin City University on 23 – 24 June 2016.


We are seeking panels and papers describing and discussing in-depth and cutting-edge research on the intersections of violent extremism and/or terrorism and the Internet.

Perspectives from all academic (sub-)disciplines are welcome, particularly communications, computer science, criminology, cultural studies, data science, ethnography, international relations, internet studies, law, linguistics, media studies, philosophy, politics, psychology, sociology, and terrorism studies.

The following topics are of particular interest:

  * History and evolution of violent online extremism and/or terrorism
    and the Internet;
  * Online radicalisation;
  * The Internet and recruitment into violent political extremist and
    terrorist groups;
  * Instructional (e.g. re. attack types, targeting, etc.) online content;
  * Children/youth, violent political extremism or terrorism, and online
  * Women/gender, violent political extremism or terrorism, and online
  * Public attitudes to violent extremism and/or terrorism and the
    Internet and responses to it;
  * Case studies of particular (sub-)groups’ cross-platform use of the
    Internet and social media;
  * Case studies of the use of the Internet by violent extremists and/or
    terrorists in particular countries or regions;
  * Case studies of the manifestation(s) and workings of violent
    political extremism or terrorism on specific online platforms,
    particularly less-studied platforms (e.g. 4Chan, Internet Archive,
    JustPaste.It, Reddit, Telegram, VKontakte);
  * Case studies of particular online mediums or Internet-related
    technologies (e.g. video, mobile telephones, etc.) and their roles
    in violent online extremism;
  * Methodologies, including mixed methods approaches, for violent
    political extremism and terrorism-related Internet research;
  * The role of online crowdsourcing in violent political extremism and
    terrorism and/or countering activity;
  * The role of user generated content in violent political extremism
    and terrorism and/or countering activity;
  * Online audience reception of violent political extremist or
    terrorist content;
  * Policy/legislative and other responses to violent online political
    extremism, including online CVE, takedown activity, etc.;
  * Future trends in violent extremism and/or terrorism and the Internet
    and/or in countering the latter, including the use of dedicated
    platforms and apps, the use of messaging apps, gaming, blockchain
    technologies, crypto currencies, live streaming, Darkweb, etc.
  * Ethical issues surrounding online extremism-related research;
  * Freedom of speech, privacy, and other concerning aspects of online
    disruption and CVE activity;
  * Evaluative or ‘taking stock’ analyses.

We welcome papers or panel proposals in these and all relevant areas, particularly empirically grounded research and papers reporting significant new results. Papers that are methodologically innovative are also especially welcome.


Details to be published HERE <> shortly, and on Twitter via @VOX_Pol.


Authors of individual papers should submit a 300-word abstract.

Panel proposals should include a

  * 200-word panel abstract, along with individual paper titles;
  * Confirmed list of minimum four panelists.

Submissions are only possible via our conference EasyChair <> page.

The closing dates for receipt of submissions, is Friday 13 April.

We expect to confirm acceptances no later than Friday 11 May.


Registration will open during March 2018, and fees will be as follows:

  * Standard Early Bird (to 1 June 2018): €80
  * Student Early Bird (to 1 June 2018): €40
  * Standard (2 June 2018 to 20 July 2018): €120
  * Student (2 June 2018 to 20 July 2018): €60

Those choosing a Student rate should note that they will be required to supply a valid full-time student ID from their institution at conference sign-in.

There will be _no on-site registration_.


The conference organisers are able to provide a limited number of travel grants for PhD students, early-career researchers (within two years of graduation, maximum), end-users, and colleagues from the developing world. Support may be requested towards the cost of registration fees, transportation, and accommodation. Travel awards will be assessed, based on individual need, estimated cost of participation, and overall demand for funding. Reimbursement can only be processed subsequent to travel, via electronic funds transfer, upon receipt of original receipts, boarding passes, proof of participation, etc. Further details regarding the application and reimbursement process will be provided when decisions are made on selected papers. When you register for the event, you will have the option to apply for a travel grant.


Please visit the conference page on our website <> or, for specific conference-related queries not addressed on the latter, email us at (conference /at/ <mailto:(conference /at/>.

*Prof. Maura Conway*/
/School of Law and Government
Dublin City University
Dublin 9

Tel.+353 1 700 6472
E-Mail. (maura.conway /at/ <mailto:(maura.conway /at/>
Skype. galwaygrrl

Twitter: @galwaygrrl


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