Archive for calls, March 2018

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[ecrea] CFP: Born Digital Cultural Histories

Fri Mar 02 19:19:42 GMT 2018

Please find below a CFP for a special issue of the open access journal, /Arts/, that I am editing. More info at Article processing charges are being waived.

Whilst many artefacts today are produced, distributed and consumed solely in digital form, this situation is not completely new. Artefacts from previous eras have also been ‘born’ digital. The advent of micro- or home computers in the mid-1970s and 1980s, for instance, saw a range of digital artefacts produced, amongst them digital games, demos, a range of experimental art, and other early software. These objects are complex and interesting as are the preservation challenges they pose. While issues of hardware and software deterioration are arguably becoming better understood, the earliness with which decisions about significance and preservation strategies must be arrived at marks these artefacts out as different from other forms of cultural heritage.

Paper might address topics including, but not limited to:

  * Continuities and discontinuities between contemporary and historical
    digital culture
  * Histories of the digital everyday
  * Artists as archivists
  * Institutional responses to digital cultural heritage
  * Changing notions of the collection
  * Jurisdictions, overlaps, gaps
  * Resourcing, funding, partnerships
  * Relation of born digital preservation to digitisation programs
  * Permanence and entropy
  * Inter-agency cooperation, federations and networks
  * Models of collaboration, outside experts, volunteers
  * Access and exhibition
  * Legal issues, intellectual property, orphaned works, legal deposit
  * Workforce, capacity building, training
  * New preservation and conservation techniques
  * Case studies, including: architecture, broadcasting, apps, mobile
    and multiplayer games, demoscenes, net and media art
  * Preserving algorithmic culture

Proposals might be theoretical, applied, policy, or otherwise oriented. Case studies of innovative practices, papers based on research with born digital artefacts, and new institutional approaches are equally welcome.

Articles must be original, not under consideration elsewhere, and should make new contributions to knowledge.

All articles in the issue will undergo double blind peer review.

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