Archive for calls, March 2018

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[ecrea] CFP PGR Conference at York

Thu Mar 01 14:21:38 GMT 2018

Empowered Bodies

PG Students Conference 2018

Department of Sociology

Date: 26th of June 2018. University of York

    Keynote Speakers

Professor Karen Throsby / Unviersity of Leeds

Professor Nick Crossley / University of Manchester

    Call for Papers

We are pleased to announce our Postgraduate Conference for students and researchers interested in the role of the body in social sciences and the concept of embodiment as a source of critical reflection in diverse disciplines. We invite abstracts that deal with embodiment in any thematic or methodological way, from a diverse range of disciplines like Gender Studies, Politics, Philosophy, Geography, Arts, Health, Media, STS, Social Policy and any other approach.

             Topics include (but are not limited to):

•Power, gender and identity

•Politics of the body

•Body transformations

•Health, Food and Practices

•Disabilities, agency and control

•Affect and Emotions

•Technology, humans and cyborgs

•Body as Mediation

•Arts, performance and creation

•Cultural representations of the body

•Measurement, tracking and datification of the self

Masters and PhD Students are particularly encouraged to submit an abstract, as well as other postgraduate students in early stages of analysis, as this is an excellent chance to present your work in a constructive and supportive environment. We also welcome works in progress by any other level of early career researchers.

If you are interested in presenting a paper, please submit an abstract of up to *300 words* to (empowered-bodies /at/ <mailto:(empowered-bodies /at/>  by *Friday, 14^th of April 2016 at 5:00 pm.*

We also welcome any other form of presentation or performance such music, dance, video, etc. as long as it can be fitted within the program. Please send us your idea with your abstract, and try to be as specific as possible of any technical or room requirements and the kind of activity that you would like to present.**

A limited number of travel bursaries will be available.

Further information will be released by the end of March 2017. Please direct all enquires to (empowered-bodies /at/ <mailto:(empowered-bodies /at/>

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