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[ecrea] CFP "Journalist of the EU"

Tue Jan 27 19:39:23 GMT 2015

>From Nicolas Hube <(Nicolas.Hube /at/>:

> Call for Papers
> Ivan CHUPIN - Université de Lille 2, CERAPS, UMR 8026, CNRS
> chupinivan(at)
> Pierre MAYANCE - Université Paris Dauphine, IRISSO, UMR 7170, CNRS
> mayancep(at)
> Panel 32: Journalist of the EU: Which role in policy-making process?
> 10th International Conference in Interpretive Policy Analysis (IPA)
> Université de Lille 2-Sciences Po Lille-MESHS Lille, 8-10 July 2015
> Policies and their publics: discourses, actors and power
>           This panel aims at studying the link between the EU policy
> making and the media sphere. Most of the academic works dealing with
> media issues focus on the European Union coverage and its effects on
> public attitude (and votes). For example, N. GAVIN studies the role
> played by economic information on TV in England (GAVIN, 2000). C. DE
> VREESE describes the characteristics of news about European affairs in
> a comparative study of the editorial policies of news organizations in
> Britain, Denmark, and the Netherlands. He investigates the effects of
> television news on public opinion formation. He questions also whether
> the framing of EU news benefits more to the European institutions or
> the citizens (DE VREESE, 2002). The journalists? role in policy making
> is less studied.
>           Nonetheless, the journalists presence at the European
> level has already been taken account of. Other scholars insist on
> the permanent link between European institutions and journalists.
> For instance, analyzing the Commission?s midday briefing, G.  BASTIN
> shows how deeply rooted were the journalists in the Commission?s PR
> in the early 2000ies (BASTIN, 2002). Comparing journalists in France
> and The UK in the 2000ies, O. BAISNÉE explains how the newsmaking of
> the EU remains produced on a national level. But on the European
> level, journalists are a part of the European community. Thus he
> described the presence of a link (?a synchrony of representations?)
> between the symbolic order of the bureaucrats and the journalists
> (BAISNÉE, 2007).
>           As a result, we would like to review and deepen those
> perspectives in order to question the relation between the European
> policies and the newsmaking of journalists. The core of our panel issue
> would be to work on those European Journalists and their role and
> involvement in the European public policy process. This panel is
> divided into two axes:
> Axe 1/ Professionalization of an EU journalists group ?
>           One aim of this panel is to question the existence of a
> common European social world in which journalists belong to, and to
> analyze the reality of a EU journalists group. Are those journalists
> part of the Field of Eurocracy (GEORGAKAKIS, 2012)? What is the history
> of the construction of the social group and how they distinguish
> themselves from other actor on the European level?
>           Along the European construction, this social group gained
> prestige. Nonetheless, the European correspondents seem to loss some
> ground nowadays. There are fewer journalists whereas the EU is bigger.
> Different causes could be addressed: the transformation of technics,
> like the irruption of online video in European press conference, a
> generational effect between the first correspondents and the new
> journalists. The European Union itself has faced many issues like the
> Enlargement (LECHELER, 2008) or the difficulties around the Treaty
> establishing a Constitution for Europe (TCE) which have an impact on EU
> coverage. Furthermore, the Press financial crises in many countries
> have crippled the journalist presence at the European level.
>           When does this process of professionalization start and how
> can we describe it? How can the journalists construct their own social
> identities? How far the practices remains national or are they
> Europeanized, as A. CORNIA described it concerning the Italian
> correspondents (CORNIA, 2010)? In other words, how deep are the effects
> of the EU institutions (new ?europeanized? practices) on journalists?
> national culture?
>           How far this world of journalists, lobbyists and bureaucrats
> is united? Can we, like G. BASTIN, consider that there is an united
> world including all these ?governance workers? (BASTIN, 2005)?  We
> could emphasis the unity of this professional group of European
> journalists, but it may be interesting to address their diversity and
> especially the differences between general and professional journalism.
> Thus we should question the existence of different paths of
> professionalization and degree of Europeanization of theses different
> kind of journalism which focus on a specific European public policy
> (CHUPIN & MAYANCE, 2014).
> Axe 2/ Journalists? role in the EU policy making :
>           In this second axe, we want to question the European
> journalists? role in the EU policy making process. We won?t focus only
> in which ways the journalists participate in the legitimation of the
> European Union. We want to open the discussion about the effective
> presence of European correspondents in policy networks. They not only
> take part of policy categories and identities shaping, but they also
> act as policy broker on European issues. We will welcome studies which
> question the practices of those journalists as intermediary of public
> policy.
>           There is a huge diversity of institutions. The goal would
> be to compare in the European institution the way to produce
> information and the role played by PR officers and by journalists.
> In fact, PR relations are organized differently in the Commission,
> the Council of the European Union, or the European Parliament
> BAISNÉE & HAHN, 2014).
>           But there is also a diversity of policy sector and issues.
> Are those journalists doing the same job if they are specialized in a
> specific sector or of if they cover the European institutions on the
> whole? Are the interactions with lobbyist more frequent by example?
>           Concerning the two axes, proposal which focus on recent
> events or historical approaches would be both welcomed. As for the
> methodological approaches: interviews, archives?
> Bibliography
> BAISNÉE, O. 2007. ?En être ou pas?. Les logiques de l?entre soi à
> Bruxelles. Actes de la Recherche en Sciences Sociales, 166-167,
> pp.110-121.
> BAISNÉE O. and FRINAULT, T. 2008. Analysis of EU media coverage and
> interviews in editorial offices in Europe ? the Case of France. In:
> AIM Research Consortium (eds.), Understanding the Logic of EU
> reporting in Mass Media. Project Verlag.
> BAISNÉE O. and FRINAULT, T., and LECHAUX, B. 2008. Reporting the EU
> from Brussels. The case of France. In: AIM Research Consortium
> (eds.), Understanding the Logic of EU reporting in Mass Media.
> Project Verlag.
> BAISNÉE, O. and HAHN, O. 2014. Quand dire c?est taire. Propos
> officieux et usages de l?informel à Bruxelles. In : LEGAVRE, J.-B.
> ed. L?informel pour informer. Paris: L?Harmattan, pp. 223-238.
> BASTIN, G. 2002. Les journalistes accrédités auprès des institutions
> européennes. Quelques signes du changement dans un monde de travail.
> In : GEORGAKAKIS, D. ed. Les métiers de l?Europe politique. Acteurs
> et professionnalisations de l?Union européenne. Strasbourg: Presses
> universitaires de Strasbourg, pp.169-194.
> BASTIN, G. 2005. Les professionnels de l?information en travailleurs
> de la gouvernance. Éléments d?économie politique de l?information
> européenne à Bruxelles depuis les années 1960. Regards
> Sociologiques, 27-28, pp.138-148.
> CHUPIN, I. and   MAYANCE, P. 2014. La mort annoncée de la PAC pour
> 2013. Le rôle des journalistes agricoles dans la construction d?un
> consensus. In : ALDRIN, P., HUBÉ, N.,  OLLIVIER-YANNIV, C. & UTARD,
> J.-M. eds. Les médiations de l?Europe politique. Strasbourg: PUS,
> coll. "Groupe de sociologie politique européenne", pp. 223-242.
> CORNIA, A. 2010. The Europeanization of Mediterranean Journalism
> Practices and the Italianization of Brussels. Dynamics of Interaction
> between EU Institutions and National Journalism Cultures, European
> Journal of Communication, 25(4), pp.366-381.
> DE VREESE, C. 2002. Framing Europe: Television News and European
> Integration, Amsterdam: Aksant Academic Publishers.
> DIEZ MEDRANO, J. 2004. Framing Europe, Attitudes to European
> Integration in Germany, Spain, and the United Kingdom. Princeton
> (N.J.); Oxford: Princeton University Press
> GAVIN, N. 2000. Imagining Europe: political identity and British
> television coverage of European economy. British Journal of Politics
> and International Relations, 2(3), pp.352-373.
> GEORGAKAKIS, D. 2012. Le champ de l'Eurocratie : Une sociologie
> politique du personnel de l'UE. Paris: Economica, (coll. Etudes
> politiques).
> LAURSEN, B. 2013. Transparency in the Council of the European Union:
> Why journalists don?t get the full picture. Journalism, 14, pp.771-789.
> LECHELER, S. 2008. EU membership and the press: An analysis of the
> Brussels correspondents from the new member states. Journalism, 9(4),
> pp.443-464.
> Technical questions:
> Paper proposals to this panel may be submitted on the conference?s
> website from the 9th December 2014 to the 3rd February 2015. Paper
> proposers will be evaluated by each panel chair and paper acceptance
> will be notified by mid March 2015. Regarding accepted paper proposals,
> full papers will be due one month prior to the conference date: 1st
> June 2015.
> All paper proposals must be submitted via the online form. On the form,
> you will be asked to provide your first and last names, e-mail address,
> institutional affiliation; to choose the panel in which you would like
> to intervene, and to give the title of your paper, an abstract of no
> more than 500 words and your biographic note.
> Paper titles, abstracts and biographic note will be submitted in
> English only.
> To submit a paper proposal, please follow these steps:
> Click on the following link to enter your information : Submit Paper
> Proposal or click on the button : Submit a paper (on the left menu of
> this webpage). (If you are not yet registered on the SciencesConf
> platform, the website will prompt you to do so. After creating an
> account, you will be able to proceed with your submission). On
> submission of the proposal, you will receive an automated email
> confirming receipt.
> The call for paper submissions will close on the 3rd February 2015.
> After adding a paper, you can modify any part of the information until
> the deadline (3rd February 2015). Once you have keyed in all
> information necessary, click to submit.
the link for submitting:
> Selected papers from the conference may be considered for a special
> issue of Critical Policy Studies: editors are Frank Fischer (Rutgers
> University, USA) and Richard Freeman (Rutgers University, New Jersey,
> USA); Forum editors are Navdeep Mathur (Indian Institute of Management,
> India) and Douglas Torgerson (Trent University, Canada). To reach the
> editorial team of Critical Policy Studies, please contact Helen Hancock
> at (h.i.hancock /at/
> --
> Nicolas Hubé
> Maitre de conférences
> Visiting Professor Europa Universität Viadrina
> Centre Européen de Sociologie et de Science politique de la Sorbonne
> Université Paris 1-Panthéon Sorbonne
> (+33). (France)
> (+49).1578.5955.618 (Germany)

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