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[ecrea] Call for Papers, RESET Journal n°6: Digital Heritage and 'Heritagization'
Fri Nov 14 13:53:13 GMT 2014
Call for Papers
Digital Heritage and 'Heritagization'
Deadline for abstract submissions: December 15, 2014
Issue edited by Francesca Musiani (ISCC, CNRS, Paris-Sorbonne, UPMC) and
Valérie Schafer (ISCC, CNRS, Paris-Sorbonne, UPMC)
The notion of ‘digital heritage’ outlined by UNESCO in 2003, in the
frame of its Charter for the Preservation of Digital Heritage[1],
designates both “digitized” and “born digital” resources (the latter
being defined as resources for which “there is no other format but the
digital object”). This dual meaning entails a reflection on digital
heritage that is able to encompass continuity and long-term processes,
as well as ruptures and breakdowns. Indeed, it calls for reflections
about the ways in which digital resources can become or be qualified as
heritage, but also about the ways in which heritage is ‘appropriated’ by
the digital world. It therefore invites to pursue reflections, grounded
in the social sciences, such as those on the ‘heritage question’
(Amougou, 2004) and what constitutes today the notion of heritage
itself, as well as its ‘reinvention’ (Bourdin, 1984).
The rise of ‘digital heritage’ calls for empirical investigations on
both its publics – existing or expected/envisaged – and its promoters,
producers, preservers (Mussou, 2012). These investigations also need to
explore institutions and their policies – public and private, collective
and individual – shaping preservation and archiving practices in this
field. The controversies that these policies raise (e.g. those that
concern the ‘right to be forgotten’ and the right to memory), as well as
the interactions of public authorities with preservation institutions
(or among these institutions themselves), are interesting to analyze for
the light they shed on the socio-technical and political dimensions of
‘digital heritage’, as it becomes institutionalized.
The practices and procedures contributing to the shaping and the
legitimization of digital heritage entail a number of choices, trials,
tests, intertwined ‘scales of action’, and a social “work” undertaken by
a variety of actors, including professional associations, amateurs, the
public at large, libraries, museums, research groups volunteering to be
in charge of specific archiving tasks or initiating preservation
policies, international institutions or clusters of entities such as
UNESCO or the International Internet Preservation Consortium.
A number of dynamics have contributed to shape, qualify and define
‘born-digital’ documents as heritage: the creation of the Internet
Archive foundation in 1996, followed by the appearance of its famous
Wayback Machine (allowing to look for, and explore, specific feats of
the Web past) and Brewster Kahle’s project to archive the “entire Web”;
the Archive Team’s ‘rescue’ of online spaces such as Geocities or
Mobileme; the institutional archiving of the Web, since 2006, by French
institutions such as the Bibliothèque nationale de France and the
Institut national de l’audiovisuel; the archiving of Twitter by the
United States Library of Congress. All these dynamics are a testament to
the plurality of actors engaged in this process, their incentives, their
objectives at times complementary, at times divergent.
Insofar, ‘born digital’ heritage has been investigated with less
attention than ‘digitized’ heritage (Dufrêne, 2013 ; Bachimont, 2014).
Moreover, its exploration needs to be associated with reflections on
another type of heritage, which may be defined as ‘heritage of the
digital’ or ‘digital technologies as heritage’ and is constituted by
hardware, software and related documentation, preserved and displayed
thanks to the efforts of individuals, associations, museums of science,
technology and computing, and a number of increasingly successful
exhibitions (dedicated, e.g., to video games). These different
directions converge towards a process of ‘heritagization’ (defined as
patrimonialisation by Davallon, 2006), which is also worthy of exploration.
What do digital heritage (and the processes of heritagization) tell us
about the relationship of our societies to their heritage, and to the
digital itself? What happens when it is no longer enough to ‘digitize’
culture, but culture is, at once, digital? What are the consequences on
heritage and is uses – social, cultural, political, economic and scientific?
Research directions
By means of empirical investigations, this issue of RESET wishes to
contribute to shed light on the policies that shape, manage and develop
digital heritage (Illien, 2011), as well as the actors and the issues
underlying processes of heritagization. We propose three (not
exhaustive) research directions for this theme, within which articles
may be embedded (but do not necessarily have to): The shaping of digital
heritage (Axis 1), Digital Heritagization (Axis 2), and Digital heritage
and social legacy (Axis 3).
1. The shaping of digital heritage
This axis will analyse the emergence and the ‘shaping’ of digital
heritage, since UNESCO’s Charter for the Preservation of Digital
Heritage has legitimized its exploration as a matter of pressing concern
(2003 ; see also Lusenet, 2007).
Investigations addressing the issues, the strategies of appropriation of
digital heritage, the perimeters of its preservation, as well as
comparative studies of policies and preservation tools between different
countries or actors, may find their place in this axis.
2. Digital Heritagization
The study of discourses and ideologies accompanying these initiatives
and the analysis of the publics of these digital cultural forms will
allow to precise the contours of a digital heritage – and a heritage of
the digital – which is in the process of finding its shape(s) and its
social, political and economic dimensions. The diversity of actors
involved in the processes of heritagization also opens up the
possibility to undertake analyses of their incentives, motivations,
strategies, interactions.
3. Digital heritage and social legacy
Digital heritage needs to be embedded in a long-term perspective, which
encompasses the relationship of societies to their heritage, so as to
interrogate continuities and ruptures (Oury, 2012). Indeed, it calls for
a renewed reflection on the notions of ‘common goods’ and ‘immaterial
heritage’ (Jadé, 2012), the universality versus the geographical
boundaries of heritage (Di Méo, 2008), the issue of the ‘patrimonial
valuation’ of documents, or that of the ‘social status’ of objects
(Davallon, 2006). Deserving attention are also the patrimonial value
that some communities may attribute, e.g., to the preservation of
specific discussion groups (Usenet communities, Google Groups etc.), or
the willingness to pass knowledge of new forms of communication and
expression on to future generations.
Finally, we need to take into consideration the articulation of these
issues with ‘data markets’, broadly conceived, which are presently
thriving; in particular, research would do well to explore the legal and
judicial questions raised in terms of civil liberties, copyright, the
preservation of personal data integrity, the right to be forgotten and
the right to be remembered (Dulong de Rosnay, Musiani, 2012).
Calendar and practical information
The abstracts (3000 characters maximum) are due by December 15, 2014.
They should be sent to the following address: (journal.reset /at/ gmail.com)
The proposal, written in either English or French, should state the
research question, the methodology, and the theoretical framework used.
It will focus on the scientific relevance of the proposed article in
light of the existing literature and the call for papers, and may be
accompanied by a short bibliography.
We would like to draw the authors' attention to a special section called
Revisiting the Classics, devoted to new readings of classical authors
and theories in light of the Internet.
The abstracts will be reviewed anonymously by the issue coordinators and
the members of the editorial board. Authors of submissions selected at
this stage will be asked to e-mail their full papers by May 5, 2015.
The journal Reset also accepts submissions to its “Varia” section, open
to scholarly work in the humanities and social sciences dealing with an
Internet-related object or method of research.
Deadline for abstract submission (3000 characters maximum): December 15,
Responses to authors: January 15, 2015.
Deadline for full papers (7 000 words, plus bibliography): May 5, 2015.
Editorial board (journal.reset /at/ gmail.com)
Francesca Musiani, (francesca.musiani /at/ cnrs.fr)
Valérie Schafer, (valerie.schafer /at/ cnrs.fr)
AMOUGOU, Emmanuel (2004). « Les sciences sociales et la question
patrimoniale », in Emmanuel Amougou, Olivier Chadoin, Bruno Fayolle
Lussac, Paulette Girard, Patrice Godier, Radian Gurov, André Kocher. La
Question patrimoniale: De la "patrimonialisation" à l'examen des
situations concrètes. Paris, L’Harmattan.
ABBATE, Janet (2012). « L’histoire de l’Internet au prisme des STS », Le
temps des médias, n°18, 170-180.
BACHIMONT, Bruno (2014). Patrimoine et numérique: technique et politique
de la mémoire, INA.
BARATS, Christine (dir.) (2013). Manuel d’analyse du Web en sciences
humaines et sociales. Paris, Armand Colin.
BOCZKOWSKI, Pablo, LIEVROUW, Leah (2008). « Bridging STS and
communication studies: Scholarship on media and information technologies
», in Hackett, Edward, Amsterdamska, Olga, Lynch, Michael, Wajcman, Judy
(eds.). The Handbook of Science and Technology Studies. Cambridge, MA:
The MIT Press.
BOURDIN, Alain (1984). Le patrimoine réinventé. Paris, PUF.
BORTOLOTTO, Chiara (2011). Le patrimoine culturel immatériel : Enjeux
d'une nouvelle catégorie. Paris, Editions de la Maison des Sciences de
BOURDELOIE, Hélène (2013). « Ce que le numérique fait aux sciences
humaines et sociales », tic&société [En ligne], vol. 7, n° 2, mis en
ligne le 09 juin 2014. URL : http:// ticetsociete.revues.org/1500 ; DOI
: 10.4000/ticetsociete.1500
BRÜGGER, Niels (2012). « When the Present Web is Later the Past: Web
Historiography, Digital History, and Internet Studies », Historical
Social Research, Vol. 37, n° 4, 2012, 102-117.
DAVALLON, Jean (2006). Le don du patrimoine : Une approche
communicationnelle de la patrimonialisation. Paris, Hermes sciences
DAVALLON, Jean. « Du patrimoine à la patrimonialisation », Entretien
avec Jean-Marc Lauret.
DERROT, Sophie, FAUDUET, Louise, OURY, Clément, PEYRARD, Sébastien
(2012). « Preservation Is Knowledge: A community-driven preservation
approach ». 9th International Conference on Preservation of Digital
Objects (iPRES), Canada.
DI MEO, Guy (2008). « Processus de patrimonialisation et? construction
des territoires », http://halshs.archives-ouvertes.fr/halshs-00281934
DUFRENE, Bernadette, IHADJADENE, Madjid, BRUCKMANN, Denis (dir.) (2013).
Numérisation du patrimoine: Quelles médiations ? Quels accès ? Quelles
cultures ?. Paris, Hermann.
DÖRING, Nicola (2006). « Personal Home Pages on the Web: A Review of
Research », Journal of Computer-Mediated Communication, 7: 0. doi:
Charles, THOMAS, Arthur, WYATT, Sally (2010). Researcher Engagement with
Web Archives: State of the Art. London, JISC.
DULONG DE ROSNAY, Mélanie, MUSIANI, Francesca (2012). « The Preservation
of Digital Heritage: Epistemological and Legal Reflections », ESSACHESS
- Journal for Communication Studies, vol. 5, no 2(10), Communication and
memory, 81-94.
DULONG DE ROSNAY, Mélanie (2011). « Réappropriation des données et droit
à la rediffusion », Hermès, n° 59, CNRS Éditions, 65-66.
FULLER, Matthew (2008). Software Studies: A Lexicon. Cambridge, MA: The
MIT Press.
GEORGES, Fanny (2011). « Mémoire humaine et expérience de soi par le web
: la métaphore du profil », Médiation et information (MEI), n° 32, 147-158.
ILLIEN, Gildas (2011). «L’archivage du web à l’international : “ Une
histoire politique de l'archivage du web : le consortium international
pour la préservation de l’internet” », Bulletin des bibliothèques de
France, n° 2, 60-68. http://bbf.enssib.fr/consulter/bbf-2011-02-0060-012
JADÉ, Mariannick (2012). Le patrimoine immatériel: Perspectives
d'interprétation du concept de patrimoine. Paris, L’Harmattan.
KALAY, Yehuda, KVAN, Thomas, AFFLECK, Janice (2008). New Heritage: New
Media and Cultural Heritage. New York: Routledge.
LUSENET, Yola (2007). « Tending the Garden or Harvesting the Fields:
Digital Preservation and the UNESCO Charter on the Preservation of the
Digital Heritage », Library Trends, vol. 56, 1, 164-182.
MANOVICH, Lev (2001). The Language of New Media. Cambridge, MA: The MIT
MASANES, Julien (2006). Web Archiving. Berlin Heidelberg, Springer.
MERZEAU, Louise (2013). « L'Intelligence des traces », Intellectica,
n°59, 115-135.
MUSSOU, Claude (2012). « Et le Web devint archive : enjeux et défis »,
Le Temps des Médias, n° 19, 259-266.
OURY, Clément (2012). « Une simple adaptation ? L’héritage du dépôt
légal face à la mutation numérique », Implications philosophiques.
PALOQUE-BERGES, Camille, SCHAFER, Valérie (2014). « Les archives des
réseaux numériques : périmètres, enjeux, défis », Culture et Recherche
n°129, dossier « Les archives », 68-69.
ROGERS, Richard (2013). Digital Methods. Cambridge, MA: The MIT Press.
VAN DEN HEUVEL, Charles, DOUGHERTY, Meghan (2009). « Historical
infrastructures for Web archiving: Annotation of ephemeral collections
for research », Media in Transition MIT6 conference.
Francesca Musiani
Researcher, ISCC-CNRS | Associate researcher, CSI-MINES ParisTech
Co-Chair, ESN-IAMCR | Outreach officer, GigaNet | Member, ComNum
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