Archive for calls, December 2010

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[ecrea] CFP: Media, communication and democracy: global and national environments

Tue Dec 21 19:26:05 GMT 2010


SPECIAL ISSUE OF Communication, Politics & Culture (Issue 45.1, July 2012)

Media, communication and democracy: global and national environments

Convenors: Cathy Greenfield and Stephanie Hemelryk Donald (RMIT) and Jan Zielonka (Oxford)

The Conference is being jointly organized by the School of Media and Communication and the European Union Centre (at RMIT University, Australia) and MDCEE (Media and Democracy in Central and Eastern Europe, an ERC-funded interdisciplinary research project based at the University of Oxford, UK).

We would like to invite researchers working on media, communication and democracy in the new democracies of Central and Eastern Europe, the Asia Pacific region, Latin America or Africa (including post-socialist societies and transitional political entities, or on new democratic forms and formations), to submit paper abstracts of up to 500 words by 28 February 2011. Some funding towards travel, accommodation and subsistence to attend the Conference will be available for successful applicants. Final copy of selected papers will be due by 29 February 2012, for inclusion in a special issue of Communication, Politics & Culture (Issue 45.1) in July 2012.

Proposals are welcome from any discipline and from both theoretical and empirical (qualitative and quantitative) perspectives. We will consider proposals from all regions and countries but favour a focus on the new democracies of Central and Eastern Europe, the Asia Pacific region, Latin America or Africa.

The Conference will be organised around the following areas:
* Class, property, markets and money: the social environment of communication and democracy * Re-thinking the relations between media and democracy: institutions, organizations, representations, scales of government * The changing practices and relations of journalism: towards democratic affordances?

Themes to be explored may include:

National media and globalisation
Class, democracy and the media
Media ownership and democracy
Political advertising
Media policies and media politics
Populism and democracy in new media
Religion, media and democracy
Technology and journalism as a profession
Public interest journalism
Media and political parties
Journalism in the global news world
Democracy and transformation of public spaces
Citizen journalism
Political blogging and the rhetorics of democracy
Changing political control of the media
Media, location and culture
Objectivity, impartiality and the governance of journalism
Media and elites
E-government and Government 2.0

Submissions of up to 500 words, double spaced and in word format, are to be e-mailed to: (eucentre /at/<mailto:(eucentre /at/>
Conference updates:

Academic enquiries are to be directed to Professor Cathy Greenfield ((cathy.greenfield /at/<mailto:(cathy.greenfield /at/>) or Professor Jan Zielonka ((jan.zielonka /at/<mailto:(jan.zielonka /at/>)

For further information about:
MDCEE, University of Oxford:
The journal CPC, at RMIT School of Media and Communication:
The European Union Centre at RMIT:

Nicola Shepard, Administrator
ERC Project on Media and Democracy in Central and Eastern Europe (MDCEE)
Department of Politics and International Relations, University of Oxford, Manor Road, Oxford OX1 3UQ
Tel: +44 1865 274481

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