Archive for calls, October 2010

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[ecrea] CPF Journal of Media Practice Symposium 2011

Mon Oct 18 09:19:56 GMT 2010

>Call for Papers: â¬ÜPostdigital Encounters: Creativity and Improvisationâ¬"
>Journal of Media Practice Symposium, 24 June 2011
>Hosted by the Digital Cultures Research Centre 
>and the Creative Media Research Group, University of the West of England
>Deadline for Abstracts: Saturday, 15 January 2011
>This one-day symposium seeks to explore how 
>digital technologies have redefined creativity 
>and media practice within the academy both in 
>terms of teaching and research.  Whether or not 
>our research questions and/or curriculum deal 
>directly with the â¬Sdigital⬝, those of us 
>involved in creative media practice are 
>inevitably working within a new media landscape 
>in which digital technologies disrupt our 
>received notions of media practice education and research.
>Recent debates have challenged the idea that the 
>capacity for creative improvisation is exercised 
>by individuals against the conventions of 
>culture and society. Instead, the suggestion is 
>that improvisation and creativity are intrinsic 
>to the very processes of social and cultural 
>life (Hallam and Ingold 2007).  At the same time 
>we are working within a milieu of digital 
>â¬Sdisruption⬝ (Christensen, 1997) in which 
>rapid developments in the â¬Stechnologies, 
>economic organization, and social practices of 
>production⬝ have created â¬Snew opportunities 
>for how we make and exchange information, 
>knowledge, and culture⬝ (Benkler, 2006).
>The 2011 Journal of Media Practice symposium 
>wishes to explore the implications of these 
>developments across the field of Media Practice, 
>and to consider the changing context within 
>which we find ourselves teaching and creating 
>media. How are the traditional binaries between 
>different ways of working and different contexts 
>relevant to the contemporary media landscape? In 
>a landscape where â¬Snew formulations of 
>knowledge afforded by the web are breaking down 
>the distinctions between the university and the 
>â¬Üreal Worldâ¬"⬝ (Dovey and Lister, 2009), 
>how does media practice sit within the academy 
>in this â¬Spostdigital⬝ age (Pepperell and 
>Punt, 2000)? What is now the role of media 
>practice research in the ecosystems of the â¬Ücreative economyâ¬"?
>Possible areas to consider:
>⬢     Pervasive media, mixed reality and the proliferation of screens
>⬢     Transmedia storytelling in a multiplatform world
>⬢     Adding value to media assets through metadata tagging
>⬢     Locative media, context aware platforms 
>and new forms of â¬Üexperience designâ¬"
>⬢     Digital natives and digital immigrants 
>⬠teaching, learning and making
>⬢     Co-collaboration, participatory practices and new forms of authorship
>⬢     Accessibility, social inclusion and the Internet.
>⬢     Digital distribution as a tool for 
>creating REF â¬ÜImpactâ¬" for media practice research
>Abstracts of 250 words are invited for 20-minute 
>papers and/or presentations of practice on any 
>aspect of this theme. We also invite pre-formed 
>90-minute panels (3 x 20-minute papers, plus 
>questions), and one-hour practical workshops on 
>any aspect of digital media practice, stating clearly any AV requirements.
>Abstracts should be sent by email attachment to 
>Charlotte Crofts at (charlotte.crofts /at/, 
>with the subject line â¬ÜJMP Symposiumâ¬", by 
>the 15 January 2011.   Please save your file as 
>YOURNAME_JMP Abstract.doc and include your name 
>and contact details at the bottom of the abstract.
>Papers will be considered for a themed edition 
>of JMP edited by Judith Aston and practice 
>research work will be considered for an edition 
>of ScreenWork edited by Charlotte Crofts 
>(further details to be announced at the symposium).
>Please see the symposium blog at for updates

Nico Carpentier (Phd)
Vrije Universiteit Brussel - Free University of Brussels
Centre for Studies on Media and Culture (CeMeSO)
Pleinlaan 2 - B-1050 Brussels - Belgium
T: ++ 32 (0)2-629.18.56
F: ++ 32 (0)2-629.36.84
Office: 5B.401a
European Communication Research and Education Association
E-mail: (Nico.Carpentier /at/

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