Archive for calls, September 2009

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[ecrea] CFP: Gender, Sport, and the Olympics

Fri Sep 18 05:43:22 GMT 2009

Extended CFP: Gender, Sport, and the Olympics (new deadline: Oct 20, 2009)

The editors of /thirdspace: a journal of feminist theory and culture/ invite submissions for our forthcoming issue on gender, sport, and the Olympics.
Prompted by the upcoming 2010 Winter Olympics in Vancouver, we are 
interested in exploring the central role which gender and sexuality 
play in shaping ideas about athleticism, sport culture, and the 
body, and the significant ways in which athletic events such as the 
Olympics work to transform conceptions of public space, national 
boundaries and identities, and gendered self-presentations and 
performances. This issue invites contributions on:
o        the 2010 Winter Olympics in Vancouver
o        sport, athleticism, and ability
o        the Para Olympics
o        LGBT participation in athletics and the Olympics
o        legal impacts on gender and sport (i.e. Title IX legislation in the
United States)
o        sport and masculinities/femininities
o        the role of gender in sporting competition
o        gendered perspectives on Olympic events
o        the use of prosthetics and technologies in athletic competition
o        the impact of the Olympics on the environment
o        sports/the Olympics and the use of public space, including
displacement of individuals/communities, the environment, and urban renewal
o        and other topics relevant to the theme of gender, sport, and the

We welcome submissions from a wide range of disciplinary and geographical perspectives. Submissions from researchers working within, or among, the disciplines of geography, sociology, literature, area studies, cultural studies, film/media studies, art, history, education, law, and women's/gender studies are particularly encouraged.
We accept the submission of work from scholars of any rank or 
affiliation, and encourage submissions from emerging feminist 
scholars, including graduate students.
All submissions to the journal must be submitted electronically 
through our online submission process. All submissions are 
peer-reviewed by established, senior feminist scholars. For more 
information on our publishing policies

To submit: Please follow our online submission process at
** Deadline: Oct 20, 2009 **

For more information, please contact us at info [at]

Dr Kim Toffoletti, Senior Lecturer in Sociology & Gender Studies
Secretary, Australian Women's and Gender Studies Association (AWGSA)
Chief co-editor, Thirdspace: A Journal of Feminist Theory and Culture

School of History, Heritage and Society Faculty of Arts
Deakin University 221 Burwood Hwy Victoria 3125 Australia
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Nico Carpentier (Phd)
Vrije Universiteit Brussel - Free University of Brussels
Centre for Studies on Media and Culture (CeMeSO)
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E-mail: (Nico.Carpentier /at/

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