Archive for calls, 2008

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[ecrea] Music and the Melodramatic Aesthetic Conference, University of Nottingham (5-7 September 2008)

Thu May 15 14:26:44 GMT 2008

>Call for Papers
>Music and the Melodramatic Aesthetic
>Conference, University of Nottingham (5-7 September 2008)
>The early nineteenth-century stage genre of melodrama, as exemplified by
>Pixérécourts mélodrames à grand spectacle, expressed the moral struggle
>between good and evil through the interrelationship of music, speech,
>gesture and tableau in scenes of high emotion. This cross-disciplinary
>conference (Music, Theatre, Film, Art History, Philosophy) is the
>culmination of an AHRC-funded Research Workshop exploring melodrama as a
>performance process and an aesthetic, and tracing the nature of its
>influence on later nineteenth- and early twentieth-century drama ­ including
>opera, ballet, pantomime and early sound and film recordings.
>The keynote speaker will be Prof Jacqueline Waeber (Duke University).
>Individual papers and session proposals are invited on (though not
>restricted to) the following topics:
>* The gestural language of melodrama, opera, ballet, silent film
>* Performance materials (including treatises, manuals, images, recordings)
>* Gestural and musical clichés
>* The high/low divide
>* The communication process between actors/singers and audience
>* Ethics and aesthetics
>* The evolution of melodrama through the nineteenth century
>* Tableaux
>* Static/kinetic moments
>* Gesture and movement in music
>* Performative processes
>* Excess
>* Sonic/visual spectacle
>* Bodyvoiceorchestra as locus of meaning
>* Sound vs. image
>* Cultural transfer
>Please send proposals for 20-minute papers (max. 300 words) and/or 90-minute
>panel sessions to the conference organiser, Sarah Hibberd
>((sarah.hibberd /at/ by 31 May 2008. Please include your
>institutional details and email address. We aim to notify applicants within
>three weeks of this deadline. It is envisaged that a selection of papers
>will be published.
>For more information please visit the project website:

Nico Carpentier (Phd)
Vrije Universiteit Brussel - Free University of Brussels
Centre for Studies on Media and Culture (CeMeSO)
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T: ++ 32 (0)2-629.18.56
F: ++ 32 (0)2-629.36.84
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Katholieke Universiteit Brussel - Catholic University of Brussels
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Facultés Universitaires Saint-Louis
Boulevard du Jardin Botanique 43  - B-1000 Brussel - Belgium
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