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[ecrea] Feminist Media Studies "Commentary and Criticism ", Call for Papers

Thu Oct 12 11:23:39 GMT 2006

>Commentary and Criticism Call for Papers
>We invite contributions for the Commentary and Criticism section of
>Feminist Media Studies for the following topics. Potential
>contributors can write to the co-editors, Jane Arthurs
>((jane.arthurs /at/ and Usha Zacharias
>((usha.zacharias /at/ to express preliminary interest in writing
>about any of these topics. We also invite you to address any other
>issues that are relevant to Feminist Media Studies in order to
>stimulate further debate and research. Please contact us if you are
>interested in contributing a short article of around 1500 words. The
>deadline for the next issue is December 1, 2006.
>Women and Radio
>With so much emphasis  on the visual media, radio remains neglected
>and under-researched in feminist media studies. Yet for the majority
>of people in the world radio remains the primary medium to which they
>have easy access. The relatively low cost of production has also
>enabled non- commercial uses where the emphasis has been on education
>and community development. We therefore invite contributors to draw
>attention to the ways in which radio has, or could be, used to enhance
>women's lives, whether through women-oriented entertainment, or
>through political and other forms of development. Questions you might
>want to address include: Where are the spaces available for feminist
>content on radio? What influences have women producers or presenters
>had on the historical and global development of radio? Which single
>programmes have had a significant impact, such as Woman's Hour in the
>UK that is celebrating its 60th anniversary this year?  What hopes are
>invested in Oprah's new radio channel in the USA? How have radio soap
>operas in Africa and elsewhere been used to improve women's lives?
>What kind of stylistic innovations have brought new female audiences
>to radio?
>Feminist media scholars have used ethnography widely to trace female
>subjectivity in communication, gendered media practices, or to focus
>on women media audiences. More recently, work on online communities
>and new media have posed fresh challenges to ethnographic practices.
>How has feminist media scholarship transformed the parameters and
>processes of ethnographic practice? What shifts or continuities can be
>discerned between old and new ethnographies? What are new, emerging
>ethnographic projects? What ethical dilemmas are encountered in online
>ethnographies? We invite reflections, arguments, or reports on work in
>Media Activism
>With the growth of non-governmental organizations and of online
>communities, the landscape of feminist and women's media activism has
>broadened significantly in the past decade. How are women activists,
>feminist groups, or creative workers engaging with the media today?
>What strategies of feminist media activism are emerging in new social
>contexts? Where have older forms of activism succeeded and where have
>they failed? We invite reports and analyses of organizational work, of
>online activist groups, as well as reflective pieces and interviews
>with feminist media activists and groups.
>All contributors should follow the Harvard style of reference and
>guidelines for submission of manuscripts outlined on our website. The
>title page of the manuscript should contain your complete mailing
>address, institutional affiliation, and full contact information
>including phone and fax numbers. Submissions must be saved and
>e-mailed as a Word attachment to both (jane.arthurs /at/
>and to (usha.zacharias /at/ Please let us know in advance if you
>are working on a particular topic. The Commentary and Criticism
>section also regularly carries book reviews. Please contact either of
>the editors if you wish to review a particular book, or for a list of
>books available for review.

Carpentier Nico (Phd)
Vrije Universiteit Brussel - Free University of Brussels
Centre for Studies on Media and Culture (CeMeSO)
Pleinlaan 2 - B-1050 Brussels - Belgium
T: ++ 32 (0)2-629.18.56
F: ++ 32 (0)2-629.28.61
Office: 5B.401a
Katholieke Universiteit Brussel - Catholic University of Brussels
Vrijheidslaan 17 - B-1081 Brussel - Belgium
T: ++ 32 (0)2-412.42.78
F: ++ 32 (0)2/412.42.00
Office: 4/0/18
European Communication Research and Education Association
E-mail: (Nico.Carpentier /at/

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