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[ecrea] CFP: Carnal Knowledge[s]: Desire, Consumption and the Visual

Mon Sep 25 16:41:13 GMT 2006

>CFP: "Carnal Knowledge[s]: Desire, Consumption and the Visual"
>March 29, 2007
>Images of the body have long been used to sell things, including the 
>body itself, and sexualized representations of the body are 
>ubiquitous in our culture.  This one-day symposium seeks to foster 
>discussions of the intersection of the body, desire, and 
>commodification.  Rather than simply decrying this intersection as 
>exploitative or celebrating it as liberatory, we want to explore the 
>complications of sexualized imagery. How do pornographic, or 
>pornographically inspired, images create expectations?
>"Carnal Knowledges" will be the fourth annual visual culture 
>symposium at George Mason University and following in the tradition 
>of the preceding symposia will be an interdisciplinary, multimedia 
>inquiry into issues relevant to the theme, and to visual culture in 
>general, from multiple perspectives to include faculty, graduate and 
>undergraduate work.   In past years our co-sponsors have included a 
>diverse group of departments and programs at the University, 
>including programs in Cultural Studies, Film and Media Studies and 
>Honors, and the Departments of Art and Visual Technology, English, 
>Art History and History, Sociology and Anthropology, Philosophy, the 
>New Century College, and the Women's Studies Center.
>As in previous years, the symposium will be presented concurrently 
>with a juried student exhibition of work created in relation to a 
>parallel theme, "Carnal Visions."   For more information, please 
>refer to:  <>
>Abstracts of no more than 300 words are due January 10, 2007, and 
>should be submitted to (elgorman /at/   All paper presentations 
>will be no longer than 15 minutes, including accompanying visual 
>images, and each panel will conclude with questions from and 
>dialogue with the audience.
>Keynote Speaker:
>Peter Lehman is Director of the Interdisciplinary Humanities Program 
>at Arizona State University, and teaches film history and 
>theory.  His newest book is Pornography: Film and Culture from 
>Rutgers University Press.  He has also written:  Blake Edwards, 
>Running Scared: Masculinity and the Representation of the Male Body 
>and Thinking about Movies: Introduction to Film Studies, and edited 
>Close Viewings: An Anthology of New Film Criticism and Defining Cinema.
>Possible Panel ideas/themes include, but are not limited to:
>Violence and desire
>Images of war and terror
>Desire and Dissection
>DIY: the Internet and "amateur" photography
>Selling with the body: advertising and the pornography aesthetic
>Feminisms and the commodified body
>Erotica: can you draw a line between art and porn?
>Class and sexualized desire
>Lynne Constantine
>Associate Chair, Art and Visual Technology
>Assistant Professor, Art and Visual Technology
>Doctoral Candidate, Cultural Studies
>George Mason University
>(lconstan /at/
>Ellen Gorman
>Doctoral Student, Cultural Studies, George Mason University
>Lecturer, Georgetown University and Corcoran College of Art + Design
>(elgorman /at/
>Tracy McLoone
>Doctoral Candidate, Cultural Studies
>Instructor, New Century College and Honors Program
>George Mason University
>(tmcloone /at/
>Cultural Studies Association (US) --

Carpentier Nico (Phd)
Vrije Universiteit Brussel - Free University of Brussels
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