Archive for calls, April 2005

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[eccr] Pan African Radio Conference Begins on Monday April 18th.

Thu Apr 14 20:05:09 GMT 2005

>April 14, 2005
>For Immediate Release
>ON MONDAY April 18th, over 100 Community Radio Broadcasters begin
>deliberating on the role of local content in bringing about sustainable
>development in their communities.
>Most of the countries in sub-Saharan Africa will be represented at the
>Pan-African Conference which is a triennial gathering convened by the
>World Association of Community Radio Broadcasters (AMARC) Africa region.
>Community Radio stakeholders will meet from April 18th - 23rd to
>strategise and formulate a plan of action to address emerging issues in
>the sector as well as to elect into office a new board of directors for
>a three year term.
>The theme for the conference this year is "Local Content for the
>Sustainable Development of Community Radio".
>Community radio has in the past 10 years established an innovative role
>for itself in the development processes in Africa by matching a human
>rights approach to livelihood concerns with state governance impact. The
>prime objective should now be the development and sustainability of this
>Using indigenous languages in radio has allowed stations to take
>advantage of the particular role that community radio can play in
>synergizing local knowledge and global expertise.
>Although the use of local content and "local voices" is at the heart of
>the notion of community radio, research conducted by AMARC Africa in
>2001 showed that stations have a tendency to use foreign-generated
>The research showed that stations were more likely to use foreign news
>feeds than to generate their own content. The research also showed that
>more than half of the stations used foreign radio, national state radio
>and newsletters followed by emailed bulletins as news sources.
> >From this research AMARC Africa established that lack of skills and the
>higher cost of producing good local content are some of the issues at
>the heart of the problem.
>AMARC Africa started a 'Special Projects' programme to assist
>broadcasters to develop good local content.
>During the Pan-African conference, stations that have successfully
>incorporated local content into their programming through community
>participation will be given a platform to share their experiences.
>The Conference will end with awards of excellence for good content and
>for stations and individuals in Africa who have contributed to the
>development of community radio in Africa.
>The World Association of Community Radio Broadcasters (AMARC) is a
>global non-governmental organization of over 3000 members serving the
>community radio movement. The Africa network has a membership of 385
>community media initiatives and partners.
>AMARC Africa is founded on the fundamental right to communicate and
>believes that community media is a crucial tool for social
>transformation and poverty alleviation through social mobilization and
>participatory communication. The strategic objective of AMARC Africa
>therefore is to promote the development, management and sustainability
>of community radio in the region through projects and activities aimed
>at 'Access', 'Awareness' and 'Empowerment.'
>Please contact Shingai Nyoka the Regional Communications Programme
>Officer at AMARC Africa on (011) 403 6785 or at
>(comofficer /at/ please cc all messages to
>(newtechofficer /at/ during the period of the conference.
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Carpentier Nico (Phd)
Katholieke Universiteit Brussel - Catholic University of Brussels
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F: ++ 32 (0)2/412.42.00
Office: 4/0/18
Vrije Universiteit Brussel - Free University of Brussels
Centre for Media Sociology (CeMeSO)
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T: ++ 32 (0)2-629.18.30
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European Consortium for Communication Research
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