Archive for calls, September 2004

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[eccr] Call for Papers, International Humanities Conference, Cambridge University, UK, 2-5 August 2005

Mon Sep 27 16:50:43 GMT 2004

>-----Original Message-----
>From: Tom Nairn [mailto:(tom.nairn /at/]
>Sent: 10 September 2004 09:47
>To: (jvalentine /at/
>Subject: Call for Papers, International Humanities Conference, Cambridge
>University, UK, 2-5 August 2005
>Dear Colleague,
>We are writing to you now on behalf of the Conference Organising Committee,
>with a reminder that the first round call for papers closes on 15 October
>2004 for the:
>University, United Kingdom, 2-5 August 2005
>The conference will continue in its endeavours over recent years to develop
>an interdisciplinary agenda for the humanities.
>Included as part of the conference program will be major keynote
>presentations by internationally renowned speakers and numerous small-group
>workshop and paper presentation sessions. Participants are also welcome to
>submit presentation proposals, either as 30 minute papers, 60 minute
>workshops or jointly presented 90 minute colloquium sessions. Presenters may
>choose to submit written papers for publication before or after the
>conference in the fully refereed International Journal of the Humanities,
>published in print and electronic formats. If you are unable to attend the
>conference in person, virtual registrations are also available which allow
>you to submit a paper for refereeing and possible publication in this fully
>refereed academic journal, as well as access to the electronic version of
>the conference proceedings. The deadline for the first round call for papers
>is 15 October 2004. Proposals are usually reviewed within four weeks of
>Full details of the conference, including an online call for papers form,
>are to be found on the conference website.
>We do hope you will be able to join us in Cambridge in August 2005.
>Yours Sincerely,
>Prof. Juliet Mitchell
>Department in Social and Political Sciences, University of Cambridge, UK.
>Prof. Tom Nairn
>The Globalism Institute,
>RMIT University, Melbourne, Australia
>Please Note: We have your name on a list of people with a specific interest
>in the field of humanities or who work in higher education. If you want to
>be removed from this email list, please inform us by reply.

Carpentier Nico (Phd)
Katholieke Universiteit Brussel - Catholic University of Brussels
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