Archive for calls, April 2004

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[eccr] Call for Chapter Contributions to a Book on Public Diplomacy and Global Communication

Tue Apr 27 07:21:43 GMT 2004

Call for Chapter Contributions to a Book on Public Diplomacy and Global 

  The proposed book, Public Diplomacy and Global Communication will address 
some of the crucial issues of international politics and communication in 
this age of globalization. Among the issues to be covered are national 
security, terrorism, global peace, international relations, and the images 
of nations.

Justification:  The end of the Cold War had produced a preponderance of an 
overriding ideological perspective, while the terrorist attacks of 
September 11, 2001, have led to an even greater temptation to characterize 
terrorism as the greatest strategic threat to world peace and development. 
But is it?  The management of consent through international communication 
and diplomacy is a necessity for world peace and development.

Background: The end of the Cold War has created what has been described as 
a "unipolar" or "one super-power" world, where the United States appears 
more dominant than it was some two decades ago. The realities of the 
ongoing war on terrorism illustrate the need for shared responsibilities in 
international relations. It is necessary to build international coalitions 
and strategic alliances with big as well as small nations. U.S. military 
power remains unparalleled; however, its power in traditional and public 
diplomacy is questionable.

The ability of the United States to flex its muscle worldwide depends on 
adroit management of traditional diplomatic relations, as well as on the 
use of new strategic skills in the evolving practice of public diplomacy. 
It is not enough to win over some governments; it is more important to win 
the hearts and minds of the disparate publics of global diplomacy. While 
traditional diplomacy is still necessary, public diplomacy, with its 
emphasis on international public opinion management, is becoming ever more 

Traditional Diplomacy and Public Diplomacy: Public diplomacy is indicative 
of both the information age and of global communication, which make it 
imperative for diplomats to communicate with both government officials and 
other stakeholders.  Whereas traditional diplomacy seeks to actively engage 
one government with another through official diplomatic channels, public 
diplomacy is diffuse and deals not only with governments, but also 
primarily with non-governmental organizations and individuals.

  In the wave of new communication technologies and globalized 
communication, it is expedient that diplomats go beyond the traditional 
government-to-government diplomacy, and reach out to many diverse 
non-government elements of society - such as the media, nonprofit 
organizations, labor unions, students, various professional groups, and the 
'general' public. This is the essence of public diplomacy, by which we mean 
government-sponsored programs intended to inform or influence public 
opinion in other countries. The chief instruments are the mass media and 
cultural exchanges. We need both traditional and public diplomacy to 
successfully navigate the murky waters of international relations in this 
age of global communication.

Suggested Topics: The proposed book will address topics in international 
communication and politics, with a focus on public diplomacy, current 
affairs, the Cold War, and terrorism. I invite you to propose a chapter 
that reflects your interest, taking cognizance of the needs of 
practitioners, students, scholars, and general readers. Among other topics, 
the book will address the following:
·       Overview of Public Diplomacy
·       Public Diplomacy (Theories and Principles)
·       National Security and Public Diplomacy
·        Propaganda and Strategic Communication
·       Managing National Images in the Age of Global Communication
·       Public Diplomacy as Mega-Events and Media Events
·       Civic/Public Journalism and Public Diplomacy
·       Agenda Dynamics in Foreign Policy Making
·       Public Diplomacy and Global Communication in the New World Order
·       International Terrorism, Public Diplomacy and Global Communication
·       Religion and Diplomacy in Global Contexts
·       New Roles for the International Media
·       Governments and Diplomacy: Case Studies
·       The U.S. Congress and International Advocacy
·       Civil Society, Think Tanks, and Research Organizations
·       Others (be specific) ____________________________

  Invitation to Prospective Contributors: Submit a short abstract of your 
proposed chapter and your curriculum vitae no later than June 24, 2004, to:
Charles Okigbo, Ph.D.
Department of Communication
North Dakota State University
Fargo, ND 58105-5075

Email: (Charles.Okigbo /at/

Authors of accepted proposals will be notified by June 30, 2004, and given 
further instructions for preparing and delivering their manuscripts.  The 
deadline for submitting complete manuscripts is November 30, 2004.

Carpentier Nico (Phd)
Katholieke Universiteit Brussel - Catholic University of Brussels
Vrijheidslaan 17 - B-1081 Brussel - Belgium
T: ++ 32 (0)2-412.42.78
F: ++ 32 (0)2/412.42.00
Office: 4/0/18
Vrije Universiteit Brussel - Free University of Brussels
Centre for Media Sociology (CeMeSO)
Pleinlaan 2 - B-1050 Brussels - Belgium
T: ++ 32 (0)2-629.18.30
F: ++ 32 (0)2-629.28.61
Office: C0.05
European Consortium for Communication Research
E-mail: (Nico.Carpentier /at/

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