Archive for calls, April 2004

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[eccr] Symposium announcement: 'The Rebirth of the Museum'

Mon Apr 26 08:19:47 GMT 2004

>An international symposium taking place at the University of Melbourne 
>Thursday 8 and Friday 9 July 2004.
>Convened by Chris Healy, Gaye Sculthorpe and Paul Walker
>Hosted by the University of Melbourne and supported by the Australian 
>Research Council.
>The Symposium will bring together academics and museum workers with 
>expertise in cultural history, indigenous studies, new media, 
>architectural and museum studies, with the aim of producing an important 
>interdisciplinary dialogue about contemporary museum developments in 
>Australia and the South Pacific.
>Keynote speakers:
>Tony Bennett (Sociology, Open University)
>James Clifford (History of Consciousness, University of California Santa 
>Other speakers include Tony Birch (Creative Writing, University of 
>Melbourne), Deidre Brown (Architecture, The University of Auckland), Ross 
>Gibson (New Media and Digital Culture, University of Technology Sydney), 
>Paula Hamilton (Public History, University of Technology Sydney), Emmanuel 
>Kasarherou (Director, Tjibaou Cultural Centre), Diane Losche (Art History 
>and Theory, University of New South Wales), John Macarthur (Architecture, 
>University of Queensland), Kylie Message (Cultural Studies, University of 
>Melbourne), Naomi Stead (Design, Architecture and Building, University of 
>Technology Sydney), Gaye Sculthorpe (Commissioner, National Native Title 
>Tribunal), Paul Tapsell (Director Maori - Tumuaki Maori, Auckland Museum), 
>Ian Wedde (Former Head of Humanities, The Museum of New Zealand Te Papa 
>For more information, visit our website:
>Dr Chris Healy
>Cultural Studies
>Department of English
>The University of Melbourne
>Victoria, 3010
>t:  61 3 8344 5484
>f:  61 3 8344 5494
>e  <(clhealy /at/>
>Interdepartmental Program in Cultural Studies
>Cultural Studies Review

Carpentier Nico (Phd)
Katholieke Universiteit Brussel - Catholic University of Brussels
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