Archive for calls, April 2004

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[eccr] Joint MeCCSA and AMPE Conference 2005 - Call for Papers

Thu Apr 08 14:39:05 GMT 2004

Joint Annual Conference of MeCCSA and AMPE - Call for Papers
University of Lincoln, Wednesday 5  Friday 7 January 2005

MeCCSA (Media, Communications & Cultural Studies Association)
AMPE (Association of Media Practice Educators)

This first joint conference of MeCCSA and AMPE will bring together two
leading media subject associations serving the United Kingdoms tertiary

The conference will be non-thematic and we encourage submissions which
demonstrate excellence in our given fields:

- Research
- Practice
- Teaching
- Enterprise

Papers should be submitted in the form of 300-500 word abstracts by 1 July
2004 to: (meccsaampe2005 /at/

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