Archive for calls, April 2004

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[eccr] Call for papers international radio summer school University of Siena

Wed Apr 07 11:47:04 GMT 2004

The International Radio Summer School is a scientific meeting dedicated to radio experiences and cultures promoted by University of Siena, an academic institution in which radio is studied continuously and in depth (with a specific Radio degree course and "Radio Facoltà di Frequenza", the leading college radio station in Italy).

Following the successful experience of Siena Radio Summer School in 2003 <>, the 2004 School will combine plenary sessions and debate with discussion groups, and practical workshops led by experienced radio practitioners. Forty places will be available for students, coming from various countries in and outside Europe. Thus the school will combine the features of an international conference and a learning experience for students. Presentations by academics should therefore be designed to address students as well as peers.

The School will take place from Monday 26 to Sunday 1 August 2004 in Collegio Santa Chiara (see ) an historical University College in central Siena, recently restored and refurbished, close to University central buildings, the historical Piazza del Campo, and the University Radio Station ( ). There will be more than 40 hours of teaching and learning over 6 days, including seminars and workshops, and offer to participating students an attendance certificate worth 4 European Formative Credits (CFU). Languages used will be English, French and Italian. Simultaneous translation of plenary sessions will be provided.

Papers and workshops will focus on the following themes:

Radioscapes: Radio and everyday life - Radio audiences and reception - Radio and consuming - National radio stories  the radio industry 

Radio and digital convergence: Internet radio - Digital and interactive radio - Radio art - Return to wireless

Radio programmes: Radio genres - news, magazines, sport, talk radio, quiz shows, drama, advertising, documentary - Radio and music

The radio medium: Radio and other media - Radio studies worldwide  radio in other disciplines - The global and the local in radio

Radio, democracy and development: Radio and the European public sphere: mainstream and community radio  Radio's role in relations between Europe and the world - Radio, populism and politics - Digital divide: radio and globalisation

Abstracts (written in English or French or Italian), max. 200 words, are invited on the above themes, headed with name, institution, title of proposed paper, postal and email address & tel.nos. An international panel of referees (see below) will select abstracts for development as original papers, and for possible subsequent publication. Presentations on the day will be limited to 15 minutes, but complete papers must be submitted in advance by the deadline (see below) in order to be translated.

Participants giving papers will have the opportunity to lead workshops and discussion groups. Please suggest areas in which you might be interested in making contributions in the course of the week. Please also suggest names of radio practitioners and other professionals who might be invited to lead workshops and speak about their work.

Deadline for abstracts submission: April 15, 2004.
An online abstract submission form will be available shortly at this website. Please note that paper presenters need to register for the Summer School.

A limited number of bursaries are available to assist the participation of younger researchers and post-graduate students less than 30 years old.

Further information as it becomes available, including a detailed programme, can be found on the conference website <>.

Email enquiries to: (school /at/ <mailto:(school /at/>
Phone +39.02.891412727, Wednesday 9-11am and 3-6pm local time.

An application form for participation  open to students and radio professionals and practitioners  will be available at the same site <>. Applicants will be selected by the international conference committee on the basis of their CVs accompanied by a brief statement of interest.

The International Committee of Referees is composed by:
Frederic Antoine (Université Catholique de Louvain, Belgium)
Manuel Chaparro Escudero (Universitad de Malaga, Spain)
Jean-Jacques Cheval (Université de Bordeaux III, France)
David Hendy (University of Westminster, Uk)
Michele Hilmes (University of Wisconsin, Usa)
Hans Kleinsteuber (Universität Hamburg, Germany)
Peter Lewis (London School of Economics, Uk)
Enrico Menduni (Università di Siena, Italy)
Caroline Mitchell (University of Sunderland, Uk)
John Tebbutt (La Trobe University, Melbourne, Australia)
Tim Wall (University of Central England Birmingham, Uk)

Partners of the International Radio Summer School are IREN and the Radio Studies Network.
IREN is a project to develop a radio research network across Europe with 13 partners in ten countries, recognised and supported by the EU. Its programme will include several international meetings, beginning with a first launch meeting in Bordeaux, April 1-3, 2004. In the course of the programme some of the above themes will reappear. Speakers will be discouraged from repeating their contributions at successive meetings. Further details about IREN and the Bordeaux meeting from its Co-ordinator, Dr. Jean-Jacques Cheval ((grer.iren /at/ <mailto:(grer.iren /at/>). The Radio Studies Network is a UK association of lecturers and researchers whose aim is to encourage study and research in radio, and seek ways to improve its academic and cultural status ( <>).

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