Archive for March 2021

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[Commlist] CFP: Kubrick and Race

Tue Mar 09 22:47:44 GMT 2021

Stanley Kubrick has been studied from many angles but one that is conspicuously missing is that of race. But this is not because of its absence in his work. In his photography and his films,//he both mobilised and critiqued conceptions of race, typically in complex and confronting ways, even if there was an absence of people of colour who appeared in his movies.
This series of virtual rolling workshops beginning in September 2021 
proposes to address this important topic and gap in Kubrick scholarship. 
We invite reflections on themes relating to race and individual Kubrick 
films or on his work as a whole.
Topics can include:

  * Theorising race in relation to Kubrick
  * Whiteness
  * People of colour in the films of Stanley Kubrick and/or as film workers
  * Kubrick and colonialism

It is anticipated that the workshops will occur at weekly intervals from early September 2021, but dates and times will be finalized after papers have been submitted, so we can tailor sessions to the international time zones in which presenters find themselves.
Early submissions are encouraged but no later than June 10, 2021. To 
submit your proposal please complete the following link

Convened by Elisa Pezzotta and Joy McEntee

For all queries, please contact Joy McEntee at  (joy.mcentee /at/

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