Archive for October 2018

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[ecrea] call for chapters - for European Media and Communication Doctoral Summer School Book 2018

Sun Oct 28 07:36:36 GMT 2018

for the European Media and Communication Doctoral Summer School Book 2018

Since the early 1990s, the Doctoral Summer School ( has brought together a group of highly qualified doctoral students as well as senior researchers and professors from a diversity of European countries and beyond. Over the course of nearly two and a half decades, more than 500 doctoral students received valuable feedback on their doctoral research projects by experienced lecturers. Since 2006, the Doctoral Summer School consortium has also been producing a yearly peer-reviewed edited volume, as part of the Researching and Teaching Communication book series, ISSN 1736-3918 (print) & ISSN 1736-4752 (online) - see

In 2019, the fourteenth book will be published, comprising up-to-date chapters by the Doctoral Summer School lecturers and doctoral students of the year 2018. It will be edited by Maria Francesca Murru, Laura Peja, Simone Tosoni, Nico Carpentier, Fausto Colombo, Richard Kilborn, Leif Kramp, Risto Kunelius, Hannu Nieminen, Tobias Olsson, Ilija Tomanic Trivundza and Pille Pruulmann-Vengerfeldt.

As our calls for Alumni chapters were very successful in recent years, it is our pleasure to announce that we will again include three chapters of former Doctoral Summer School participants in this edited book. Doctoral Summer School Alumni of all previous ECREA Summer Schools are now invited to submit abstracts for proposed chapters, to be reviewed and considered for publication in the 2018 SuSo book.

Invited are chapter proposals by scholars who have participated as PhD student in one of the annual European Media and Communication Doctoral Summer Schools at the University Stendahl, Grenoble (1992-96), Complutense University of Madrid (1997), University of Lund (1998), Westminster University (1999-2003), University of Tampere in cooperation with University of Helsinki (2004), University of Tartu (2005-2009), University of Ljubljana (2010-2012), University of Bremen (2013-2015) or at the Università Cattolica del Sacro Cuore, Milan (2016-2017).

We are accepting submissions of abstracts for chapters to be included in the volume until November 20, 2018. Your *extended abstract* should provide a clear outline of the chapter and not exceed 1,000 words. The submission also has to include:

• your current affiliation, address and contact information
• the year and location of the Doctoral Summer School you attended
• the title of your doctoral research project that was discussed at that summer school.

Please send your abstract to Dr. Leif Kramp, (kramp /at/

The extended abstracts will be reviewed, and three of them will be selected. Chapter are up to 4,000 words (including references). Collaborative work is encouraged.

Abstract submissions before November 20, 2018
Notification of acceptance and feedback from the editors before November 25, 2018
Submission of first full draft of the chapters before December 31, 2018
Feedback on the draft chapters before January 10, 2018
Submission of revised chapters before January 31, 2018

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