Archive for October 2015

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[ecrea] CFP: Medien Journal, 4/2015 - Media and democracy in troubled times

Sun Oct 11 16:24:41 GMT 2015

CALL FOR PAPERS: Medien Journal, 4/2015, published by the Austrian Society of Communication


*Deadline for paper submissions:  November 15, 2015

Whether at a local, national, European or global level, the current political landscape is defined by citizens' growing disappointment and distrust of political institutions and traditional mass news media. The consequences of the financial and economic crisis can still be felt by a large portion of the public today. National governments' cutbacks and austerity measures imposed by the European Union, along with a recession and high rates of unemployment that affect young people in particular, have shaped the lives of many European citizens. Many democratic parties are faced with low approval ratings and sinking party affiliation, while populist parties on the left and the right have gained momentum. Parties like the UKIP in Great Britain or the AfD in Germany have sprung up and existing populist parties such as the Freedom Party of Austria and the Front National in France have gotten stronger. The public's dissatisfaction with politics and politicians is growing as quickly as the amount of indifferent citizens. The so-called "third age of political communication" (Blumler & Kavanagh, 1999) thus looks bleak, and one must ask how democratic systems can survive in the face of the increasing number of disillusioned (non-)voters. On the other hand and particularly among younger people, there is a fundamental move away from the established representative political system, with its group-based identities and interests and its institutionalized forms of participation, toward individualized, intrinsically motivated forms of civic engagement. Usually, this process is assumed to be fostered by new communication technologies which make it easier for people, due to low entry barriers, to participate in exchanges of thoughts, opinions and ideas (Bennett & Segerberg, 2012).

We are accepting contributions about current issues in political communication for publication in volume 4/2015 of the "Medien Journal", published by the Austrian Society of Communication. These contributions may deal with the following and related topics:

Key actors:
*How do politicians address the issue of increased disappointment and distrust among citizens? Which strategies have politicians developed to influence, convince, and mobilize potential voters? *Which role do social movements and interest groups (such as the Occupy Movement or PEGIDA in Germany) play in capturing citizens' interests and concerns and creating public discourse around them? *Which differences exist between populist parties on the left and the right with regard to their appeal to the public and mobilization of the same? *How do citizens express or deal with their frustration and disappointment in political institutions and politicians? Are there any new forms of civic engagement on the rise?

*How does the media portray crucial political issues and politicians? What are the differences between different types of media? *How does the media address issues such as distrust in politics or low voter turnouts? To what extent does mass media act as a mediator between politics and society? *How and to what extent are citizens and their concerns, fears and hopes in regards to politics portrayed in the media? *What role do new media (such as Facebook and Twitter) play in processes of political communication?

Perception and impact:
*How does political journalism influence its audience? What positive and negative effects on democracy can be found? *How are right-wing and left-wing populist parties perceived by the public in comparison to mainstream parties? How do these parties differ from one another? In what ways are they similar? *Which individual and societal factors shape traditional forms of political participation and more recent forms of civic engagement? *Which measures should political and media actors take to build society's trust in politics and increase participation in politics?

Papers must be in either English or German and have a maximum of 5,000 words (including references); a cover page (indicating the title, author(s), and contact information) and an abstract of 150 words must be included (the abstract must be in German and in English for papers written in German). Please send all contributions to Josef Seethaler ((josef.seethaler /at/; or Christiane Grill ((christiane.grill /at/ by November 15, 2015. All papers will be anonymously peer-reviewed. Acceptance notifications will be sent out on December 1, 2015.

*Format: Times New Roman, 12pt, 1.5 line spacing (in WORD). Please avoid formatting the text. Headings should only be emphasized with the use of blank lines or bold lettering at the most (do not use colons, periods, etc. at the end of a line). Emphases in the text should be made with italics. *Headings: Headings of papers and chapters should be short. Subheadings can be longer, subheads should not be longer than one line in 12pt font. Individual chapters should be numbered, there should be no punctuation after the first or second number (1 or 1.1). *Long quotes: Long quotes should be indented on the left and the right and be in italics. The source should be noted in the next line justified to the right. *Footnotes: Footnotes (no endnotes) should be sparse and only used for elaboration, not for references. Footnotes should be numbered. *Tables and figures: Tables should be included in the text; figures should be provided as EXCEL files. *Cross-references: For in-text citations and references use the Chicago Manual of Style ( "Author-Date" citations).

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