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[ecrea] Whose information is it anyway? - call for papers

Thu Jun 19 20:00:18 GMT 2014

Whose Information Is It Anyway?  In Search of a New Balance

A by-invitation experts’ workshop

New America Foundation

September 10-12, 2014


Traditional notions of individual and public rights with respect to information are being redefined across a broad front, raising profound challenges to freedom of speech, assembly, association, and communication. The aggregation, archiving and use of information also have profound implications for the future of national security and business strategy. Currently, decision-makers are responding to capabilities enabled by new technologies, for which appropriate usage norms have not yet emerged, and are struggling to formulate coherent strategies addressing some fundamental questions. Can and should the legitimate demands of border security, law and order and the prevention of terrorism limit an individual's rights over personal and/or private information? What restraints on the collection, aggregation and use of personal information should exist? How do we balance the principles of zones of personal privacy, the right to control one’s most personal information, and ownership rights over digital media, with the benefits of vibrant markets in information goods and services? Is there a general right to have one’s personal information removed from all commercial digital databases? Are there practical models that respect human dignity without crippling data aggregators?

Vociferous information ownership debates are taking place in the copyright and intellectual property fields as well. The digitization of content has enabled access to works that have not been in circulation for years, if not centuries. Yet some copyright/IP holders have suggested that works in the public domain, if not actively defended, should be privatized, and works that currently benefit from the time-limited protection of law for the public’s benefit should become the permanent property of private rights holders, effectively ending the “public domain.” There are modest examples of alternatives: the Open Source community; the Creative Commons/ copyleft movement; the increasing emergence of collaborative no-charge academic journals, etc. What are the practical models that strengthen the public domain, and still provide sufficient incentives for creative productions?

We've heard the traditional answers to these questions and invite prospective authors to comment in an independent, scholarly, and innovative way on topics regarding control of information in the 21st Century. Multidisciplinary approaches are encouraged that combine theory and evidence to evolve integrative and long-term perspectives on information rights.

The Institute for Information Policy (IIP) at Penn State and the X-Lab at the New America Foundation (NAF) are pleased to announce this call for papers that offer new (or updated) perspectives and theories about the balance between the rights of individuals, states, businesses and the public in information and personal data. Authors of selected papers will be invited to present them during a three day, invitation-only workshop designed to bring together a diverse group of experts and to be held at the New America Foundation in Washington, DC. This Workshop is the 9th in a series of events on “Making Policy Research Accessible,” organized by the IIP, with the support of the Ford Foundation and the Media Democracy Fund. Presenters at the workshop will be invited to submit their completed papers for review by the Journal of Information Policy ( The workshop will take place on September 10-12, 2014, the days leading to the 42nd annual TPRC conference.

Invited topics include, but are not limited to:

·       Information policy and national security

·       Balancing privacy and security

·       Data mining and privacy

·       The SOPA/PIPA debate aftermath

·       New avenues for academic publishing

·       Personal freedoms in the digital age

·       Cybersecurity

·       Patent reform and patent “trolls”

·       Individual ownership of personal information

·       The “right to be forgotten”

·       The relationship of government agencies and data-based enterprises

·       New theories of digital intellectual property

·       The future (if any) of the “first sale” doctrine

·       Are we compromising our security? The U.S. role in data insecurity

·       Are commercial/trade secrets the same as national security secrets?

·       “Big Data,” AI, and data security and privacy in the inter-cloud

·       Extraterritoriality of the U.S. I.P. regime

·       Privacy and the “Internet of Things”

·       Bio-enhancements and privacy

·       Smart infrastructure, surveillance, and privacy

Abstracts of up to 500 words and a short bio of the author(s) should be submitted to

(pennstateiip /at/ by July 18, 2014. Please write IIPXLABWS: YOUR NAME in the subject line. Abstracts not sent according to the above instructions will not be reviewed. Accepted presenters will be notified by July 25, 2014.

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