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[ecrea] Call for Proposal - Communication, emancipation and cultures

Sat Feb 15 10:15:29 GMT 2014





4th - 5th OCTOBER 2014

Research Coordination Meeting convenes in ICAEF COMMUNICATION, EMANCIPATION AND CULTURES in Villa Mercedes, San Luis , Argentina the 4th and 5th October 2014.

Surely the communication phenomena in the framework of the culture in which they are embedded , are so rich and complex. Hector Schmucler (one of the first theorists to Argentina introduced interesting discussions on communication in Latin America ) in his famous text "Research (1982 ) : a project and communication culture" emphasizes that in light of the dictatorial experiences in Latin America back in 1973 ( military coup in Chile) and the collapse of weak Latin American democracies attacked by military power , in the context of current American communication for development, the green revolution , the Alliance for Progress, in the advent of American functionalism the new powers of communication that replaced traditional journalism schools . Facing thinkers dependency theory , an idea science " scientism " where the study of communication were predominantly the content analysis , automatic speech analysis , statistics, and formalizations semiological theory of ideological respecting the "method" scientist, proposed the idea of framing a concept called media / culture.

The context in which Hector Schmucler formalized its initial thoughts was one we found in raw Latin American political experience, the rise of science and scientism , the emergence and acceptance of different theories explaining the mass media from the mathematical theory of communication , functionalism and a possible place to think and strategic alternatives linkage between communication and culture

The Argentine thinker speaking media / culture as opposed to the term communication and culture, according to Schmucler proposes closer and strained relationship and announces the impossibility of separate treatment.

Communication was understood not as different ways to convey something separable units of information, according to a technical- instrumental vision, but the communication understood in the ontological - moral , where constituent of the human communication is communion sense. In other texts , the Argentine theorist emphasized that communication has succeeded in imposing its name to almost everything that man knows and performs in the world, and that it is difficult to pinpoint a precise place in their conceptual limits .

Schmucler has proposed the construction of a new theoretical space, a different way of understanding and stimulate individual and collective social practices where communication should be thought as an instrument of culture, a link of companies transmitting useful knowledge and a tool of civilization.

We call for the submission of papers about:

• Communication and Culture

• Cultures Communication

• Mass Media and Culture Events

• Political cultures versus communication

• Media cultures and personal communication


Abstracts and proposals should be sent to (sergioricardoquiroga /at/ with the following information:

1. Stream name

2. Title of presentation

3. Name(s) of presenter(s) and affiliations

4. Email address(es) of presenter(s)

5. Indicating clearly whether the paper is intended as a refereed or non-refereed paper

6. Abstracts should be between 200- 500 words


28 June 2014: Abstracts, Panel and Poster Proposals Due

4 July 2014: Acceptance Notification and instructions emailed

20 August 2014: Full Papers (Refereed) Due

01 September 2014: Early bird registration closes (at discounted rate)

15 September: Final papers due

Esp. Sergio Ricardo Quiroga
(sergioricardoquiroga /at/

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