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[ecrea] International Forum on Intercultural Communication | 2-3 may | iscap
Sat Apr 21 08:52:46 GMT 2012
Caros colegas,
O Centro de Estudos Interculturais (CEI) organiza e acolhe o
"International Forum on Intercultural Communication", na sala de leitura
informal da Biblioteca do ISCAP, a 2 e 3 de Maio, com a presenc,a de
prestigiados oradores franceses e norte-americanos.
Esta iniciativa resulta do interesse manifestado pela Universidade de
Bourgogne (Dijon, Franc,a) e pela Delaware State University (EUA) em
visitar o ISCAP e o seu Centro de Estudos Interculturais, para explorar
a'reas comuns de investigac,a~o, cooperac,a~o e interca^mbio. No
decorrer dos trabalhos, para ale'm de diversas confere^ncias plena'rias,
havera' lugar a` apresentac,a~o reci'proca de centros de investigac,a~o,
departamentos e projectos, bem como a` discussa~o de novas teorias e
metodologias na a'rea dos estudos interculturais e de comunicac,a~o.
Desde ja', contamos com a vossa presenc,a!
*Centro de Estudos Interculturais (CEI)*
Instituto Superior de Contabilidade e Administrac,a~o do Porto (ISCAP)
- Gabinete 333
Rua Jaime Lopes Amorim
4465-004 S. Mamede Infesta
Telf.: +351 229 050 037 (ext. 333)
Fax: +351 229 025 899
E-mail: (cei /at/ iscap.ipp.pt) <mailto:(cei /at/ iscap.ipp.pt)>
URL: www.iscap.ipp.pt/~cei <http://www.iscap.ipp.pt/%7Ecei>
Dear colleagues,
The Center for Intercultural Studies (CEI) hosts the "International
Forum on Intercultural Communication", 2-3 May, at ISCAP, with the
presence of prestigious French and American speakers.
This initiative stems from the interest expressed by the University of
Bourgogne (Dijon, France) and Delaware State University (USA) to visit
ISCAP and its Center for Intercultural Studies, to explore areas for
joint research, cooperation and exchange. During the forum, in addition
to several plenary sessions, there will be the presentation of research
centers, departments and projects and the discussion of new theories and
methodologies in the area of intercultural studies and communication.
Best regards,
*Centre for Intercultural Studies (CEI)*
Instituto Superior de Contabilidade e Administrac,a~o do Porto (ISCAP)
- Office 333
Rua Jaime Lopes Amorim
4465-004 S. Mamede Infesta
Phone: +351 229 050 037 (ext. 333)
Fax: +351 229 025 899
E-mail: (cei /at/ iscap.ipp.pt) <mailto:(cei /at/ iscap.ipp.pt)>
URL: www.iscap.ipp.pt/~cei <http://www.iscap.ipp.pt/%7Ecei>
ISCAP, Polytechnic Institute of Porto, Portugal
2 MAY 2012
14.30 -- 15.30
Introductory plenary session:
Presentation of research centres, departments and projects.
International cooperation.
Theories and methodologies.
15.30 -- 16.30
Daniel Raichvarg (Professeur des Universite's Sciences de l'Information
et de la Communication, Directeur du CIMEOS -- Laboratoire en Sciences
de l'Information et de la Communication de l'Universite' de Bourgogne,
Dijon, France), ?Sciences et Culture : Pour une Approche
16.30 -- 17.30
Alain Chenevez (CIMEOS de l'Universite' de Bourgogne, Dijon, France),
?La labellisation patrimoniale du patrimoine urbain ordinaire: les
habitations a` loyer mode're'?.
17.30 -- 18.00
Discussion and conclusions.
3 MAY 2012
14.30 -- 15.30
Introductory plenary session:
Presentation of research centres, departments and projects.
International cooperation.
Theories and methodologies.
15.30 -- 16.30
Myna German (Chair of the Department of Communications at Delaware State
University, USA) & Padmini Banerjee (Associate Professor in the
Department of Psychology at Delaware State University, USA), "Studying
the Intersection of Global Migration, Technology and Transculturation in
the 21st Century: A Conceptual Framework".
16.30 -- 17.00
Discussion and conclusions.
Sciences et Culture: Pour une Approche Communicationnelle
Les trente dernie`res anne'es ont vu se construire un champ de
recherches sur les cultures des sciences. Diffe'rentes disciplines s'en
sont empare'es avec leurs proble'matiques, leurs concepts et leurs
me'thodologies (Sociologie, Sciences de l'Information et de la
Communication, Sciences de l'E'ducation). Les recherches conduites
pre'sentent un rapport tre`s particulier avec les actions et les
pratiques de me'diation. Ces actions elles-me^mes, ba^ties dans des
domaines artistiques et culturels varie's, ne'cessitent des
investigations pluridisciplinaires. Les dispositifs se re'pondent
e'galement d'un me'dia a` l'autre, d'un dispositif culturel a` l'autre.
Cette diversite', ces recherches, ces approches conduisent a` l'abandon
du mode`le ? top-down ? qui dominait l'interpre'tation de la relation
entre les sciences et la socie'te' au profit d'une approche
communicationnelle en termes de sens, d'e'changes, de temporalite', de
re'ciprocite' et de dynamique des savoirs.
Bionote: Daniel RAICHVARG, Professeur en Sciences de l'Information et de
la Communication a` l'Universite' de Bourgogne, a suivi un cursus
universitaire classique qui l'a mene' a` la carrie`re de Professeur de
Biologie en colle`ge. Tre`s to^t, il s'est tourne' vers la Philosophie
et l'Histoire des Sciences, ouverture qui l'a conduit a` une Histoire de
la Biologie puis a` la responsabilite' de se'minaires au Colle`ge
International de Philosophie.
Depuis une de'cennie, la question de la constitution d'un ?patrimoine
contemporain? est pose'e, selon deux aspects: d'une part, a` travers des
conflits opposant de'fenseurs du patrimoine et gestionnaires de
logements sociaux et certains ont e'te' largement me'diatise's comme a`
Villetaneuse en re'gion parisienne (Cite' Renaudie) ou Pantin (Serpentin
d'Emile Aillaud), d'autre part, a` travers l'intervention d'entreprises
de valorisation, dont certaines distingue'es ou re'compense'es: projets
?Me'moires d'habitants?, dispositif de protection de sites
emble'matiques (Re'seau des Utopies re'alise'es en Re'gion Urbaine de
Lyon), interventions d'artistes dans l'espace pour souligner une
histoire singulie`re (Lyon,8e art). L'originalite' des processus de
patrimonialisation cite's est double: ce sont des objets patrimoniaux
contemporains et a priori ou ?traditionnellement? de'nue's d'enjeu de
conservation, comme les cite's ?Habitation a` Loyer Mode're', les
acteurs mobilise's dans ces processus de sauvegarde patrimoniale sont
issus du monde associatif et sont tre`s souvent des repre'sentants de la
? diversite' culturelle?. Ces questions ont e'te' actuellement peu
traite'es par les actions, les e'tudes et les recherches. La pre'sente
communication cherchera a` mettre en place une prise en compte par les
institutions patrimoniales de cette double originalite': comment les
institutions patrimoniales prennent en compte des processus de
patrimonialisation ?d'objets contemporains?? quelles interactions et
quels enjeux se construisent entre ces acteurs patrimoniaux inattendus,
a priori ?ille'gitimes?, relevant d'une forte diversite' culturelle
autour d'objets patrimoniaux contemporains, originaux?
Bionote: Docteur en sociologie, charge' de recherches a` l'Institut
Claude Nicolas Ledoux (1997-2002), directeur du Muse'e Urbain Tony
Garnier (2003-2008), mai^tre de confe'rences a`
l'Universite' de Bourgogne. Il est Responsable du M2 Inge'nierie des
me'tiers de la culture ainsi que de l'e'quipe 2 du Cime'os ? culture,
patrimoine, me'diation ?
Studying the Intersection of Global Migration, Technology and
Transculturation in the 21st Century: A Conceptual Framework
One of the ongoing challenges confronting researchers studying issues
related to the impact of new technologies on migration and
transculturation is that of attempting to clarify appropriate and stable
guiding constructs within a field in rapid motion. With the scale of
human migration having expanded significantly, the internal experience
of migration too has changed through the introduction of new
informational and communication technologies (ICTs) that make it
possible to transcend time and space as never before. The authors define
new parameters and constructs within this emergent interdisciplinary area.
Bionote: MYNA GERMAN, Ph.D, is Chair of the Department of Communications
at Delaware State University. She completed her doctorate at the
University of South Africa, with a specialization in Religion and Media.
She holds a MBA Degree from New York University, M.S. Communications
from Boston University, M.Ed., Antioch College, B.A. American Studies,
Brandeis University. She worked as a newspaper reporter and broadcast
journalist, prior to a career in academe. At Dow Jones News Service, she
was one of the first journalists to write for a teletext business online
service, prior to the Internet and heavy computerization of the news
PADMINI (NINA) BANERJEE, PhD, is an Associate Professor in the
Department of Psychology at Delaware State University in Dover,
Delaware, USA. She received her PhD in Human Development from The
Pennsylvania State University and her Master's and Bachelor's Honors
degrees from University of Delhi, New Delhi, India. She has conducted
research for United Nations' UNICEF and UNESCO as well as federal and
state agencies in India and the US, and consults with non-profits in
applied research and program evaluation. Her main academic and research
interests lie in the interdisciplinary and cross-cultural study of
individual identity ("amalgamated identities") in the context of
migration and its implications for diaspora mental health; she is
especially interested in the role played by recent and emerging
technologies in the everyday lives of people in diasporas.
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