Archive for March 2012

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[ecrea] Summer School "Seeing Matter(s): Materiality and Visuality" (Heidelberg, July 29-August 4, 2012)

Fri Mar 30 20:40:57 GMT 2012

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the way images and objects spread across geographical and cultural boundaries is the subject of a summer school organised by Heidelberg University's Cluster of Excellence "Asia and Europe in a Global Context" in late July. Advanced students and doctoral candidates from the humanities and social sciences will be given the opportunity to discuss topical research issues in this field with academics from Germany, Canada, India, and the United States. The deadline for applications to participate in the school is 15 April 2012.

The summer school is entitled "Seeing Matter(s): Visuality and Materiality" and will take place from 29 July to 4 August 2012 in Heidelberg, Germany. The programme encompasses lectures, seminars and workshops. In terms of content, the emphasis is on the role and impact of visual and material culture. Among the topics addressed at the school are the formation of material worlds, the portrayal of intimacy and the exposition of images and objects in exhibitions and performances.

Invited speakers include Kajri Jain (South Asian Visual Culture, University of Toronto Mississauga), Sumathi Ramaswamy (History, Duke University), Kavita Singh (Art History, Jawaharlal Nehru University), and Paola Zamperini (Asian Languages and Civilizations, Amherst College). Contributions from Heidelberg University come from Christiane Brosius (Visual and Media Anthropology), Monica Juneja (Global Art History), Barbara Mittler (Chinese Studies), and Melanie Trede (Japanese Art Histories).

The Cluster's Summer School 2012 is organised by Christiane Brosius (Heidelberg) together with Barbara Mittler (Heidelberg) and Sumathi Ramaswamy (Duke University), coordinators of project B4 "Transcultural Visuality".

For more information on application procedures and the programme, go to

We would appreciate it if you forwarded this information to your colleagues and interested students and thank you for your support.

With best wishes
Dr. Alexander Haentzschel, Press Officer

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