Archive for April 2011

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[ecrea] Postfeminism & Contemporary Hollywood Cinema - Call for Submissions

Wed Apr 06 18:17:26 GMT 2011

*/_Postfeminism and Contemporary Hollywood Cinema_/*


*– Call for Essay Proposals –*


One distinguishing feature of postfeminism is its acceptance, use and manipulation of its position within popular culture. The existence of postfeminism as both a cultural media phenomenon and a contradictory and contentious term within academic discourse raises a number of debates surrounding contemporary feminist politics and their status within as well as stance toward contemporary consumer and media cultures. Postfeminism is invariably invoked in discussions of not merely popular genres such as ‘chick lit’ but also in relation to a plethora of written and visual texts that invoke reconfigurations of femininity and female sexuality, often in order to emphasise and/or explore female solidarity as a discourse of ‘shared pleasures and strengths, rather than shared vulnerability and pain’ (Genz and Brabon, 2009). As such, postfeminism is frequently interrogated within the realm of popular media forms which centre around the visualisation of female sexuality. Since the publication of Laura Mulvey’s ‘Visual Pleasure and Narrative Cinema’ (1973), female objectification has remained a popular and seemingly irresolvable site of conflict within feminist cinema studies in particular, revealing the complexities of the relationship between female objectification and empowerment.

The editors of this collection invite abstracts for contributions which investigate the diverse manifestations of postfeminism in contemporary Hollywood cinema, be it in order to highlight its regressive realities or its empowering potentials. Topics for consideration may include, but are by no means limited to:

v Reconfigurations of femininity and/or female sexuality

v Raunch culture, the mainstreaming of pornography and the sexualisation of culture

v Postfeminism as inclusive/ exclusive social practice

v Representations of particular female figures (i.e. mothers, porn stars and other sex workers, housewives, career women, superheroes, etc.)

v Genre-specific criticism (i.e. postfeminism in action, horror, rom-com, etc.)

v Postfeminism and girl cultures

v Postfeminism and ageing

v Postfeminism as backlash

Abstracts of 250 words for chapters of 6,000 should be emailed to the editors, Joel Gwynne ((joel.gwynne /at/ <mailto:(joel.gwynne /at/>) and Nadine Muller ((N.Muller /at/ <mailto:(N.Muller /at/>), by September 30^th 2011. Deadline for completed chapters: March 30^th 2012.

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