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[ecrea] IAMCR Section calls - Istanbul, Turkey, July 13-17, 2011 - part 3

Mon Dec 06 13:04:49 GMT 2010


The Working Group for Media Production Analyses of the International Association for Media and Communication Research invites submissions for the IAMCR Congress in Istanbul Turkey, from July 13 to 17, 2011.

This Working Group provides a venue for researchers of media production. The working group focuses on different professional norms, technologies, organizational contexts and genres to grasp the internal and external dynamics of media production processes. Papers addressing the 2011 conference theme 'Cities, Creativity, Connectivity' are most welcome. We also invite empirical studies of media production whether they are qualitative or quantitative in nature, whether they analyse fiction or non-fiction production or whether they analyse mass media, social media or personal media.

The group is open to all theoretical inspirations not only media science but also sociology, anthropology, management studies, etc. We also welcome work on methodological aspects of media production: production ethnography in general, problems and strategies of access or publication, and the theoretical grounding of methods.

It is an explicit aim to include and encourage studies of media convergence: the 'new media'. These media and the production processes related to them represent an explicit challenge for the field of production studies, but other challenges emerge from new types of media economy, forces of convergence and globalization, decreasing publicly funded media, and conglomerate economics.

The Working Group invites abstract submissions for the 2011 conference, and these may only be submitted via the IAMCR Open Conference System. To create an account go to <>

The deadline for the submission of abstracts (500 words) is February 8, 2011. The results of peer reviews of submitted abstracts will be announced by the Working Group Head by March 25, 2011. Full papers must be submitted online via the IAMCR-OCS by June 3, 2011.

Roel Puijk
Høgskolen i Lillehammer/Lillehammer University College
Postboks/PO box 952
2604 Lillehammer

tlf/phone (+ 47)  61 28 83 13
mobile   (+ 47)  924 53 6 42
fax.        (+ 47)  61 28 81 80



International Association for Media and Communication Research (IAMCR)



The Emerging Scholars Network (ESN) invites you to participate in the 2011 International Congress of the IAMCR to be held in Istanbul,
Turkey, from July 13 to 17 2011. This yearâ??s theme is â??Cities,
Creativity, Connectivityâ??. We call for general academic papers in
Communication and Media Studies as well as papers addressing the
concrete conference theme.

The ESN is a section dedicated to the work and careers of emerging
scholars in the field of media and communication. Hence, we especially look for works in progress from graduate students and new university instructors/professors who are interested in substantial feedback and comments intended to advance their projects.

The ESN organizes emerging scholar panels and joint panels with other sections. Our emerging scholar panels provide a comfortable
environment for the presentation of theses and works in progress,
where emerging scholars can receive feedback from colleagues also at
the beginning of their careers and from senior scholars who act as
respondents to individual papers. The joint panels with other sections allow for the exchange of ideas with senior scholars in the field and networking.

In line with the purpose of our section, the ESN also organizes panels about issues affecting emerging scholars:

- Publishing research results;
- Mentoring and the Student-mentor relationship;
- Academic work and academic jobs;
- Neoliberalism in the academy;
- Language barriers in academia.

Scholars who wish to organize or contribute to an issue-related panel are welcome to contact Michael Dick at michael.dick[at]


- Submissions are due February 8, 2011.  Please note that this
deadline will not be extended. Panelists will be announced March 25,
2011. Full papers are due June 03, 2011.
- Individual abstracts may only be submitted to a SINGLE section.
Please do not submit the same abstract to two or more different
sections of IAMCR.
- Abstracts should be submitted on the Conference website: The OCS system will be available from
December 01, 2010.
- Questions may be addressed to the section co-chairs, Stefania Milan stefania.milan[at] and Sara Bannerman at Sara.Bannerman[at]
- Submissions must include author name(s), affiliation, address,
e-mail address, and paper title.
- If you are submitting a work in progress, we welcome your
submission! Please state that it is a work in progress in your
- Abstracts should be 300-500 words.

Please also take a look at our suggestions on how to write an


- Please take a look at our website (;
- Join the ESN Facebook group
- Or subscribe to the ESN listserv


International Association for Media and Communication Research (IAMCR)
Community Communication Section (ComCom)

IAMCR Conference 2011, 13-17 July 2011, Istanbul

Proposal submission deadline: February 8, 2011


The Community Communication Section invites submissions for the IAMCR 2011
Conference in Istanbul, Turkey. Any proposal within the research area is
welcome, but we will consider with priority proposals for this year¹s
thematic focus areas (details below). In addition to individual papers, we
hope to receive proposals for panels, workshops and innovative session
formats, including field trips and screenings.

Open call: General proposals in the ComCom research area
The Community Communication Section is a major international forum for
community, alternative, citizens' and civil society media studies. It
focuses on media practices that differ significantly from government- and
market-dominated paradigms. This includes do-it-yourself media, media for
and by communities of locality or interest, communication practices of
social movements, media that form a non-profit 'third sector' next to public
service and commercial media, and a wide range of other non-governmental and
non-commercial practices. These media incorporate a broad variety of
communication technology uses, from newsletters to mobile phones, from
community radio to online communities.
Relevant research questions include the development, adaptation and
appropriation of communication technologies by marginalized groups and
sectors; the effectiveness, impact and sustainability of community and
alternative media; innovative forms of media activism; non-profit media
interactions with state and market; the social, economic, legal and
political environment; and appropriate theories and research methods for
these media.
Theoretical approaches typically come from social movement research,
community theory, communication rights, theories of political art, of civil
society, citizenship and democracy, and theories from migration studies,
among others.
(Also see ?Submitting to the right section¹ below).

ComCom focus areas for the IAMCR 2011 Conference

1. 'Cities, Creativity, Connectivity'
The IAMCR 2011 conference stands under the general theme 'Cities,
Creativity, Connectivity'.  Cities are areas of social and economic
activity, artistic and activist creativity, and inter-cultural dialogue and
conflict, embedded in regional and global contexts.  The theme emphasizes
communities of geography, as well as inter-local interactions.
Papers in the ComCom section may investigate the role of community
communication and alternative media in redefining notions of citizenship and
challenging traditional national allegiances. What is the role of such media
in changing notions of ?place¹ and ?belonging¹?  How do urban social groups
and movements use various online and offline forms of community
communication for their mobilizations and interventions? How does socially
engaged art relate to urban social and cultural movements? What does
community radio in the 21st century look like? What is the future of ?local¹
community media in the trans-local and global digital media environment? How
do such media contribute to democratization and to new understandings of
'the public' in socially fragmented environments? What is their role in
local communities marked by strife? What are the regional and global
contexts for such media, and how are they transformed due to transnational
migration? Investigations may include hybrid media forms and rhizomatic
media that connect different communities.

2. Infrastructure and technology
The section is interested in platforms, technologies, and spaces for
alternative and community media, and more generally for forms of expression
by social movements. How do activists combine production/distribution
platforms and technologies? How can blogs and social networks (including
commercial ones) complement traditional alternative media? What is the
impact of the digital switchover on community radio and TV, and what are its
social, technical, economic and policy implications?
The section also encourages analysis of the flipside of technological
innovation: the web hype and the over-enthusiastic use of new (and typically
commercial) social networking platforms. What are the problems with Web 2.0
and citizen journalism from the standpoint of alternative media and
community media practice?

3. Community Communication Policy
Many countries have recently legalized community broadcasting, and many more
are considering it. We call for critical investigations into these
processes, the impact of civil society interventions, positive examples of
new legislation around the globe, comparative country level studies, reviews
of the emergence of international/regional norms and standards, but also
critiques of the normalization and mainstreaming of  community media.
At the same time, alternative media continue to be subject to attacks by
both commercial and state forces, and access to communication infrastructure
is curbed both online (e.g., through challenges to net neutrality) and
offline (e.g., through radio frequency auctions). We encourage
investigations into these issues, and relations between community
communication and other policy fields, such as Internet governance and
intellectual property rights.

4. Theory for Community and Alternative Media
The section seeks to advance theoretical and conceptual development. This
includes investigating, continuing and challenging the theoretical
directions laid out by key thinkers in the field; developing understandings
of relevant emerging concepts, such as ?the commons¹; and questioning the
meanings and practices of established concepts, such as 'participation'.

5.    Alternative models of researching, teaching and publishing
What are the methods, experiences and key concerns for researching and
teaching alternative and community media? How does the political economy of
research and publishing affect the work in our field? What would be
alternative publishing models for research?

Submission Guidelines
? Submission Format:

Submit proposal(s) online at
You must include:
 (1) Title, author/coordinator name(s), institutional affiliation(s) and
full contact information (mailing address, email address, and telephone
(2) Topic area (open session or special session in one of the 5 above
(3) Type of proposal:
 (a) Individual or co-authored paper: Applicants must submit a 300 word
abstract that describes the topic of their paper and its significance, the
theoretical framework, and research methods. Please indicate if you would be
willing to chair a session.
(b) Panel proposal: The panel coordinator must submit a well-defined
statement of purpose, a complete list of panel participants, and full
abstracts for each presentation in one document.
(c) Other format (workshops, screenings, field trips, forums, etc.): The
coordinator must submit a well-defined statement of purpose and a detailed
description of activities, as well as any infrastructure requirements
(space, projectors, etc.).
If your submission lacks any of the information above, it may be rejected on
technical grounds.

? Multiple Submissions

Our section accepts only one paper abstract submission per person (as main
author). You may additionally act as coordinator or discussant in a session,
present a short contribution in a panel or other format session, or be
listed as secondary author in another paper.
Do not submit the same paper abstract to more than one IAMCR division. You
are allowed to submit up to 2 different abstracts (as main author) to
different sections, but we encourage you to limit yourself to presenting one
paper at the conference. Please consider that if you present more than once,
there is less room for discussing your work and others have less opportunity
to present.

? Deadlines

February 8, 2011:  Submission of abstracts
(papers will be assessed by double blind review of abstracts).
March 25, 2011: announcement of acceptances.
June 3, 2011: Full papers due.

? Submitting to the Right Section

You are only allowed to submit the same abstract to one section. Please
consider carefully if our IAMCR section is most appropriate for your paper
(check the list of sections at ). If you submit your
proposal to the wrong section, it may be rejected (time permitting, we may
try to forward papers to the appropriate section). Please contact us well
before the deadline if you are unsure.

- Researchers examining community media for development purposes should
consider applying to the Participatory Communication Research Section.
- Researchers studying ethnic community media within a Diaspora  framework
should consider applying to the Diaspora and Media Working Group.
- Researchers using a market-based perspective or focusing on the ?hobby¹
aspect of personalized media are not encouraged to apply to this section.

? Language
You can submit your abstract and your paper in English, French or Spanish.
If at all possible, please supply an English translation (even a brief
summary) of your abstract and your paper. For the conference, please try to
prepare some material (a computer assisted presentation, a handout etc.), at
least partly in English. This will help you get better feedback and
contribute more to the international discussion.
The section has no funds to hire translators. We are looking for volunteer
translators/interpreters for abstracts, sessions and papers. If you can
contribute in this way, please contact us.

? Further information
2011 Conference:

ComCom online contact form:,com_contact/task,view/contact_id,122/I

Gabriele Hadl (chair) k70[at]
Ellie Rennie  (vice-chair) ERennie[at]GROUPWISE.SWIN.EDU.AU
Arne Hintz  (vice-chair) arne.hintz[at]


Call for Papers
Gender and Communication Section
Istanbul, Turkey, July 13-17, 2011

The Gender and Communication Section of the International Association for Media and Communication Research announces its call for papers for the IAMCR Congress in Istanbul, Turkey, July 13-17, 2011.

The Gender and Communication Section seeks research which balances theory and practice, and explores the relationship between gender, media and communication in its panoply. In recent years sessions have covered topics such as advertising, audiences, the body, consumption, development, discrimination, elections, film, GMMP, HIV/AIDS, human rights, the Internet, journalism, magazines, media production, new media, pop culture, queer theory, reception, representation, television, and violence. In keeping with our philosophy of� inclusivity, we welcome contributions without regard to empirical, theoretical, disciplinary or philosophical perspective.

Although we welcome submissions on any topic involving gender, media and communication, this year we wish to encourage papers and panel proposals that examine connections to the conference theme (cities, creativity, connectivity). In addition, and, in keeping with our sectionâ??s tradition of exploring points of intersect between gender, media and communication and other areas of substantive interest within IAMCR, this year we wish to convene a joint panel with the Political Economy Section on the theme of "Patriarchy, Capitalism and Media."

The aim of this joint session is to encourage contributions that might illuminate how patriarchy and capitalism, in connection with media industries, serve as an impediment to the advancement of women. Central concepts for this session would include gender, capital and class. These critical conceptual spheres would be articulated with the highly complex processes of media production, consumption and representation. Those who would like to submit a proposal for this joint session, please contact either of the following session coordinators:


For the Political Economy Section

Chair: Helena Sousa (< /at/>(helena /at/

University of Minho, PortugalÂ

For the Gender and Communication

Co-Chair: Aimée Vega Montiel (< /at/>(aimeevegamx /at/

National Autonomous University of Mexico (UNAM), Mexico

Irrespective of topic, we encourage the submission of complete panel proposals (although individual papers will be considered). By rule, IAMCR does not permit submission of identical abstracts to more than one section­and this policy is strictly enforced. Abstracts should bee between 250 and 500 words, and bibliographies and author profiles are not required. However, please include: the name(s) of author(s); professional title(s) (i.e. professor, postdoctoral fellow, independent researcher, graduate student, student, etc.); institutional affiliation; research question; summary of main findings; discussion of methods used; and e-mail/contact information. Section review procedures are explained on the section website: <>

The deadline for abstract submissions is February 8, 2011; announcement of acceptance will be March 25th; full papers are due by June 3, 2011. Abstracts and full papers should be submitted via the conference website, NOT to the section coordinators. Please note that IAMCR accepts abstracts and supports presentations in English, French and Spanish. Questions about submissions or consultations regarding possible panels should be directed to Todd Holden (<mailto:(holden.intcul /at/>(holden.intcul /at/, Section Co-Chair, Aimée Vega <<mailto:(aimeevm /at/>(aimeevm /at/>, Section Co-Chair or Kaitlynn Mendes <<mailto:(kmendes /at/>(kmendes /at/>, Section Vice-Chair.



Sección Género y Comunicación de la AIECS/IAMCR/AIERI

Estambul, Turquía, 13 al 17 de Julio de 2011

La Sección de Género y Comunicación de la Asociación Internacional de Estudios de Comunicación Social (AIECS) convoca al envío de resúmenes para participar en la Conferencia Internacional de la AIECS 2011 que tendrá lugar en Estambul, Turquía, del 13 al 17 de julio de 2011.

La Sección promueve la difusión de investigación que, con base en la teoría y estudios empíricos, explore la relación entre género, medios y comunicación. En los años recientes las sesiones han cubierto diversos tópicos, tales como Internet, televisión, publicidad, cine, periodismo, publicaciones impresas, violencia, teoría Queer, producción, recepción, representación, monitoreo global de medios, derechos humanos, discriminación, elecciones, cuerpo, VIH Sida, desarrollo, cultura popular y consumo. En esta línea, y manteniendo nuestra filosofía de promover la diversidad de temas de nuestra línea, damos la bienvenida a todos los trabajos que contribuyan al desarrollo de este campo de estudios.

Adicionalmente, en esta convocatoria invitamos al envío de propuestas de ponencias y paneles que examinen relaciones con el tema de la Conferencia (ciudades, creatividad, conectividad). Asimismo, y de la mano de la Sección de Economía Política, en esta conferencia llevaremos adelante una sesión conjunta que, con el título â??Patriarcado, Capitalismo y Mediosâ??, busca impulsar el debate sobre la relación entre patriarcado, capitalismo e industrias de medios como impedimento para el avance de las mujeres. Conceptos centrales en esta sesión, incluirán: género, capital y clase para el análisis de los procesos de producción, consumo y representación mediática. Todas las personas que deseen enviar una propuesta para participar en esta sesión conjunta, les agradeceremos contactar a alguna de las siguientes coordinadoras de la sesión:

Por la Sección de Economía Política

Chair: Helena Sousa (< /at/>(helena /at/

Universidad de Minho, PortugalÂ

Por la Sección de Género y Comunicación

Co-Chair: Aimée Vega Montiel (< /at/>(aimeevegamx /at/

Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México (UNAM), Mexico


Independientemente del tópico, invitamos al envío de propuestas de paneles. Por regla, la AIECS no permite el envío de un mismo resumen a más de una Sección. Los resúmenes deben tener una extensión de entre 250 y 500 palabras y deben incluir: nombre del/de la autor(a), título académico (profesor(a), investigador(a), estudiante de postdoctorado, de posgrado, etcétera), adscripción institucional, datos de contacto (correo electrónico). Las reglas para la construcción del resumen pueden ser consultadas en la página electrónica de la Sección: <>

Fechas límite:

Envío de resúmenes: 8 de febrero de 2011

Publicación de resúmenes aceptados: 25 de marzo de 2011

Envío de ponencias completas: 3 de junio de 2011

Resúmenes y ponencias completas deben ser enviados a través del sitio electrónico de la Conferencia, NO a las y el coordinador de la Sección. Les recordamos que la AIECS acepta el envío y la presentación de trabajos en Español, Francés e Inglés. Cualquier duda acerca de esta convocatoria, favor de dirigirse a: Todd Holden (<mailto:(holden.intcul /at/>(holden.intcul /at/, Section Co-Chair, Aimée Vega <<mailto:(aimeevm /at/>(aimeevm /at/>, Section Co-Chair o Kaitlynn Mendes <<mailto:(kmendes /at/>(kmendes /at/>, Section Vice-Chair.



Conference theme: ?Cities, Creativity, Connectivity?

The Mediated Communication, Public Opinion & Society section invites submissions for its open sessions at the IAMCR that will be held in Istanbul, Turkey, July 13-17, 2011. The overall conference theme is: ?Cities, Creativity, Connectivity?

The role of mediated communication for creativity and connectivity became a central issue in the everyday life and is a central subject for research on its implication on private and public issues. Public opinion and its interrelations with media are central to the empowerment of citizens of the cities and to the enhancement of their quality of life. Our section will endorse the general theme and encourage our members to submit research papers around these issues.

In addition, we wish to continue our well established tradition to promote the further theoretical discussions on the contribution of prominent thinkers on the field of communication research. In the last years we organized panels that discussed the contribution of the works of Goffman, Habermas, Schutz, Bourdieu, Foucault, McLuhan and Walter Benjamin with relation to media and communication. Following that tradition we would like to organize for the Istanbul conference at least one session centred on the contribution of the works of Roland Barthes to the theory and research in the field of communication.

Further, we would like to continue to offer space for the presentation and discussion of theoretical and empirical papers about Family and Mediatization. Despite the social and cultural changes it seems that the family is still the main place of media domestication and media use, and it is the place where children learn to operate with media and start their lifelong media career. The main question we would like to discuss is: how this takes place today in the different cultures, different classes and with reference to the different possibilities to deal with media.

Finally, we would like to announce our long standing interest in the discussion, development and critical assessment of the methodologies we use and we need for communication research and especially for international and cross cultural research projects, both quantitative and qualitative.

Abstracts should be sent to the MCPOS Section Heads only through the Conference website. They should be not more than 500 words long in English. Each abstract must include title, name(s), affiliation, institutional address and email address of author(s) and a short (up to 100 words) bio-data.

It is also possible to propose a full panel of no more than four participants, which should come from at least three different countries. In this case we expect the four abstracts of the participants and their short bio-data and in addition a framing text about the idea and the goal of the full panel. It would also be recommended to present a panel chair and a respondent.

IAMCR accepts presentations in English, French and Spanish. However, it is requested that abstracts will be submitted in English.

Papers and panels proposals will be reviewed by the two heads of section and by further specialists, named by the heads. For more on the submission of abstracts, registration, theme, location, etc., please go to <> or visit IAMCR at: <>

The deadlines are as follows:

February 8, 2011:  Submission of abstracts

March 25, 2011: announcement of acceptances

June 3, 2011: Full papers due
Some future information on the rules and practices of IAMCR on submission of papers and panels.

You may not submit the same abstract or paper to more than one section or working group. You may submit different papers to different sections or working groups or, as the case may be, different papers to the same section.

If a proposal is accepted, the sender must fulfil two preconditions to be included in the final program of the section. She or he must send a full paper until June 3, 2011, register for participation at the Conference and mail a copy of the registration to the heads of section.

Non members of IAMCR are welcome to submit and present if accepted, following the same procedure as described above.

All submission should follow the instructions and information to be found on the IAMCR and conference websites: <> and <>

 Questions for further information should be addressed to the section heads.

Looking forward to seeing you in Istanbul!

Hillel Nossek, (College of Management Academic Studies, Israel): <mailto:(hnossek /at/>(hnossek /at/

Friedrich Krotz, (University of Bremen, Germany): <mailto:(krotz /at/>(krotz /at/


Nico Carpentier (Phd)
Vrije Universiteit Brussel - Free University of Brussels
Centre for Studies on Media and Culture (CeMeSO)
Pleinlaan 2 - B-1050 Brussels - Belgium
T: ++ 32 (0)2-629.18.56
F: ++ 32 (0)2-629.36.84
Office: 5B.401a
European Communication Research and Education Association
E-mail: (Nico.Carpentier /at/
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