Archive for August 2009

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[ecrea] ICDS 2010: The Fourth International Conference on Digital Society

Fri Aug 14 16:05:55 GMT 2009

=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D ICDS 2010 | Call for Submissions =


ICDS 2010: The Fourth International Conference on Digital Society

February 10-15, 2010 - St. Maarten, Netherlands Antilles

General page:

Call for Papers:

Submission deadline: October 5, 2009

Sponsored by IARIA,

Extended versions of selected papers will be published in IARIA =20

Please note the Poster Forum and Work in Progress options.

The topics suggested by the conference can be discussed in term of =20
concepts, state of the art, research, standards, implementations, =20
running experiments, applications, and industrial case studies. =20
Authors are invited to submit complete unpublished papers, which are =20
not under review in any other conference or journal in the following, =20
but not limited to, topic areas.

All tracks are open to both research and industry contributions, in =20
terms of Regular papers, Posters, Work in progress, =20
Technical/marketing/business presentations, Demos, Tutorials, and =20

Before submission, please check and conform with the Editorial rules: =20

ICDS 2010 Tracks (tracks' topics and submission details: see CfP on the site=

Citizen-centric disruptive and enabling technologies

     Wireless and user mobility; Ubiquitous systems; On-line =20
interactions; User-centric services, applications, eLearning; High =20
speed electronics, storage, networking eHealth and nano medicine; =20
Biological informatics and computing

Internet and Web services

     IP-based networking and applications; Best effort and QoS/SLA; =20
WWW, Web Services, Semantic Web; eLearning and mobile learning; =20
Service-oriented platforms; Peer-to-Peer Systems and applications; =20
Web-advertising and Web-publishing Multimedia and Webcasting

eGovernment services in the context of digital society

     e-Government strategies; Citizen-Government eModels; Special =20
applications and services of eGovernment; ePayment, eTax =20
administration; eVoting, eCitizen identity cards; Social e-financial =20
projects; Educating eHealth; Homeland security and public records; =20
eGarbage collection of private records; Metrics for eGovernment =20
projects and services; Benefits of eGovernment; On-line social =20
networking; Financing e-Government
     e-Governance; From e-Government to m-Government =20
(mobile-Governemet); e-Environment

eCommerce and eBusiness

     On-line shopping frameworks; Trust, privacy, security; Internet =20
macro and micro payment systems; On-line banking; Agent-based =20
e-commerce; eBusiness models and costs; eBusiness applications; =20
Infrastructure for e-Commerce; Mobile commerce

Consumer-oriented devices and services

     Mobile TV and IPTV; Consumer-oriented e-commerce; Smart and =20
digital homes; Wearable devices; Smart consumer appliances; Speech =20
enable appliances; Consumer accessibility appliances and services

Intelligent computation

     Theories of agency and autonomy; Intelligent techniques, logics, =20
and systems; Evolutionary computation; Autonomic and autonomous =20
systems; Autonomic computing and autonomic networking; Ubiquitous and =20
ambient computing; Computational economics; Protecting and preventing =20
computing; High performance computing; Service-oriented computing; =20
Multi-agent based computing; Cluster computing and performance; =20
Artificial intelligence

Networking and telecommunications

     Networking and telecommunications technologies; Wireless, =20
mobility and multimedia systems; Internet and Web Services =20
technologies; Systems performance, security, and high availability; =20
Communications protocols (SIP/H323/MPLS/IP); Specialized networks =20
(GRID/P2P/Overlay/Ad hoc/Sensor); Advanced services =20
(VoIP/IPTV/Video-on-Demand); Advanced paradigms (SOA/WS/on-demand)

eDefense for security and protection

     Knowledge for global defense; Security in network, systems, and =20
applications; Trust, privacy, and safeness; Business continuity and =20
availability; Cryptography and algorithms encryption; Rapid Internet =20
attacks and network; Applications and network vulnerabilities

Enforced citizen-centric paradigms

     Data-centered information systems; User-centric information =20
systems; Pervasive and ubiquitous systems; Mobile learning and =20
communications; Open and distance education systems

Computational advertising

     Computational linguistics; Linguistic signal processing; =20
Statistical properties of community structures; Semantic contextual =20
advertising; Relevance and click feedback; Searching dense and =20
isolated submarkets; Latent factor models; Semantic relatedness; =20
Personalized ad delivery; Processing over query-dependent functions; =20
Inverse document frequency; Query-biased summarization; =20
Pseudo-relevance feedback; Classification of rare queries; Page ranking

Management and control

     Digital telecommunications management; Control and monitoring =20
systems; Measurement and management systems; Human/Machine interface =20
and man-in-the-loop control; Energy and power systems control; =20
Self-monitoring, self-diagnosing, self-management systems

Digital analysis and processing

     Digital information processing (Voice/Data/Video); Computer =20
graphics and animation; Virtual reality/3D graphics/Games; Computer =20
modeling/simulation; Graphic/Image/Photo/Hand-writing analysis and =20
processing; Pattern recognition / Computer vision; Natural language =20
processing / robust processing; Speech recognition and processing

Mobile devices and biotechnologies

     Robotics/Mobile devices/ Mobile networks; Handled and wearable =20
computing and devices; Vehicular navigation and control; =20
Nanotechnologies/Systems-on-the-chip/Networks-on-the-chip/ Haptic =20
phenomena; Biotechnologies/Bioinformatics/Biometrics/Biomedical =20
systems; Computational biochemistry; Biological data management

Software and system robustness for digital society

     Portals and user-oriented systems; Software as a service; =20
Software specification and design methodologies; Software development =20
and deployment; Programming languages and supporting tools; =20
Patterns/Anti-patterns/Artifacts/Frameworks; =20
Agile/Generic/Agent-oriented programming; Neuronal networks/Fuzzy =20
logic/Temporal logic/ Genetic Algorithms; Reasoning models/Model =20
checking/Modular reasoning/; Program =20
verification/validation/correctness ; Embedded and real-time systems;

Consumer-oriented digital design

     Online consumer decision support & advertising; Semiotic =20
engineering of online services; Human factors in computer systems; =20
Personal information management; Consumer trust in digital society; =20
Interaction in smart environments; Mobile consumers and interactive =20
spaces; Hedonic and perceived digital quality; Usability, aesthetics, =20
and accessibility; Multimodal and interactive interfaces; Intelligent =20
user interfaces

Social networking

     Social networking technologies (Web 2.0, faceBook, YouTube, =20
Twitter, etc.); Enterprise social networking; General informative =20
webcast; Government information webcast; State-of-the-art for chat, =20
blogs, wikis, etc.; Text-audio-video blogs; Virtual tradeshows; Social =20
profiling; Contextual social network analysis; Personalization for =20
search and for social interaction; Dynamics, evolution, and trend =20
prediction patterns; Social interactions; Medical assistance in social =20
networking; Data protection inside communities; Misbehavior detection =20
in communities; Pattern presentation for end-users and experts; =20
Evolution of communities in the Web; Online and offline social =20
networks; Information acquisition and establishment of social relations

ICT support and applications for eCollaboration

     Touch screen voting; Local e-Participation; Portals and =20
eGovernment websites; eGovernment platforms and benchmarks; Business =20
process management; Interoperable frameworks (national and =20
cross-countries); Private-public eCollaboration; Regional and =20
cross-nation competitiveness


IARIA Publicity Board

Committee members:


Nico Carpentier (Phd)
Vrije Universiteit Brussel - Free University of Brussels
Centre for Studies on Media and Culture (CeMeSO)
Pleinlaan 2 - B-1050 Brussels - Belgium
T: ++ 32 (0)2-629.18.56
F: ++ 32 (0)2-629.36.84
Office: 5B.401a
European Communication Research and Education Association
E-mail: (Nico.Carpentier /at/
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